Famellos: “The issue of democracy and justice does not only concern the opposition MPs” – 2024-08-05 11:52:58

“The issue of democracy and justice does not concern only the opposition MPs. We swear to the Constitution and to the observance of the rules of our country – but also the European rules -, not only based on the party we belong to but also based on our personal responsibility in politics”, emphasized the president of the Parliamentary Group of SYRIZA Progressive Alliance, Sokratis Famellos, speaking on the radio station “Talk Radio” about the decision of the Supreme Court and the position of the official opposition on the wiretapping.

“If we all accept, in good faith, the choice of the Prosecutor of the Supreme Court as expressed in her announcement”, continued S. Famellos, “then it remains unanswered for what reason of national security or for what crime Mr. Hatzidakis was under surveillance” . “But why didn’t he go to court for the violation of his rights? Like all the other officials of the country who were monitored”, asked the chairman of the SYRIZA-PS KO, ​​citing the unanswered critical questions arising from the conclusion: “How is it possible that at the same time an illegal and malicious software has blocked the phones of the same ministers, the same soldiers or people who were political figures and now took up ministerial duties, such as Mr. Mylonakis and his wife? Why wasn’t there an investigation of the communications providers, the Authority for Ensuring the Privacy of Communications and why weren’t the witnesses called, even the employees of intellexa, who removed the servers?”

“The great issue of eavesdropping, which plagues the country and has stigmatized the Greek democracy, starts from the first day of Mr. Mitsotakis’ administration: when as prime minister he took over the EYP under his responsibility, he changed the law on the qualifications of the governor to to promote and appoint Mr. Kondoleon. These big questions that had been raised by SYRIZA-PS since the beginning of the Mitsotakis government, in 2019, have not been answered”, reminded the president of the KO of SYRIZA-PS, attempting a brief review of the past and connecting that choice of Mr. Mitsotakis with the recent developments: “The last act of the cover-up was the announcement of the Prosecutor of the Supreme Court, Ms. Adeilinis. Because with this announcement, an investigation file is closed on the part of the Supreme Court without answers being given! All this should be answered by the choice of Justice”.

“These are the tools that Mr. Mitsotakis has chosen, but also the system of economic power in Greece with the aim of a great looting of public and private property”, he underlined, explaining that “all this confiscation, opacity and unworthiness that prevail in the economic arrangements – from the sale of public property to the bribery of the appointments of the blue children -, the backward steps in Justice, aim at an unfair redistribution of wealth”.

Referring to specific examples that reflect the plan of the Mitsotakis government, S. Famellos quoted the super profits in electricity and fuel that “hit and reduced the competitiveness of the industry, while now tax extortion is being applied to freelancers, small and medium-sized artisans, scientists and the traders”. “It is inconceivable that the four banks will record profits of 2.5 billion euros in the first half of 2024. It is inconceivable that there are billions of euros in excess profits in refineries and electricity,” he noted.

Asked to comment on the explosion of precision faced by citizens, S. Famellos pointed out the absence of market regulation as well as the absence of controls, noting that SYRIZA-PS was confirmed in a tragic way: “Now the government admits the existence of excess profits in the electricity, even in an understated form, as a single section will be taxed which has already been in their coffers for two years. Silence from the government on banks and refineries. Before the European elections, the then Deputy Minister Mr. Theocharis, answering my question in the Parliament, stated that there are no surplus profits in the refineries for 2023. After the message sent by the citizens through the European elections to Mr. Mitsotakis, they “discovered” that there are surplus profits . These super profits left the pockets of all households and the coffers of all businesses.”

#Famellos #issue #democracy #justice #concern #opposition #MPs



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