Consorten demands greater access to information

Press release

* The Confederation expresses concern about the lack of accessible communication for the Venezuelan deaf community*

Juan Ángel De Gouveia, president of the Confederation of the Deaf of Venezuela (Consorven), regretted that the right to information of all citizens is not taken into consideration.

“In recent days, when the situation in the country is more delicate and we need to be informed in order to take precautions, we have not found accessible information, television channels do not broadcast news in sign language and do not provide Spanish subtitles,” said De Gouveia.

He added that Article 9 of the International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities refers to accessibility to information, and Article 21 provides that the State shall adopt appropriate measures to ensure that persons with disabilities receive information on equal terms.

“This is a fight we have been undertaking for years, with the deaf community always being left far behind in terms of access to information. Knowing what is happening on the streets helps us to take precautions and know what is happening in the country.”

De Gouveia called on both the Venezuelan State and the media to take into consideration this right of deaf people, to guarantee accessibility in all official statements made by State institutions regarding the situation facing the country, as well as to provide accessible information on the procedures related to the counting of votes and the presidential proclamation.

The above request is provided for in Articles 81 and 101 of the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, which provide for the right of deaf people to communicate in Venezuelan sign language and the use of subtitles and translation in Venezuelan sign language in television media.

“We ask that you comply with this request so that everyone is informed. These are difficult times in which we need to know first-hand about the situation in the country,” concluded the president of Consorven.

Photo Courtesy

#Consorten #demands #greater #access #information
2024-08-05 11:03:01



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