Cold air corridor in the university district is being examined more closely

In addition to soil sealing, one of the main points of criticism regarding the planned location of the Digital University in Linz’s Dornach/Auhof university district is the impact of the development on the cold air corridors coming from the north, which act like a natural air conditioning system for the city and are, in the view of critics, impaired. As reported, other companies are to be located next to the new IT:U university and a total of 10 hectares of grassland are to be converted for this purpose.

Simulation should play through scenarios

City Councillor for Planning Dietmar Prammer (SP) has now announced that a climate simulation will be carried out prior to the upcoming planning. An external company has been commissioned to do this. The simulation will pay particular attention to the local cold air corridor, which should be influenced as little as possible. ““With this climate simulation, we can play through different scenarios and examine the effects of different construction methods and building orientations in detail,” says Prammer. These analyses have already proven their worth in other projects, such as the new Dynatrace building. “This gives us a sound basis for planning ahead and taking effective measures to maintain the quality of life in the district,” says Prammer.



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