Scientists have developed the world’s shortest alcohol-powered robot vortex

Scientists have developed the world’s shortest alcohol-powered robot vortex

Scientists have developed one of the shortest robots in the world. It’s called the Robot Whirlpool, which is powered by alcohol and can lift 2.6 times its own weight.

Traditionally, when such small robots are built, their muscles are powered by small wires or small batteries are installed.

This leads to many weight and size problems and their effectiveness starts to decrease. The best batteries we make have an energy capacity of 1.8 megajoules per kilogram

Whereas animal fat has an energy density of up to 38 megajoules per kilogram. While the 88 mg robot is powered by methanol and its energy capacity has been noted to be 20 megajoules per kilogram.

University of Southern California scientist Perez Arencibia has designed this robot. According to him, the batteries installed in the robot were not very effective and that is the reason why such a small robot could not be depended on the battery.

For this, a methanol tank was built on the robot, which can hold 95 mg of fuel when fully filled.

The methanol reacts chemically with the oxygen that travels to the robot’s metallic muscles. This causes the robot’s limbs to move and move forward. It can move by carrying 230 mg of weight on its horns.

The Defense Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has provided funds and resources for this project. Under the project, DARPA wants to build robot drones that can perform tasks other than flying autonomously.

#Scientists #developed #worlds #shortest #alcoholpowered #robot #vortex
2024-08-05 00:55:20



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