580 cheap medicines go up in price – See the list – 2024-08-04 23:31:57

The prices of 580 cheap medicines are increasing according to the new Medicines Price Bulletin issued by the Ministry of Health through EOF. This repricing concerns 580 cheap medicines, the prices of which are increasing so that they are not withdrawn from the Greek market.

The increases are made at the request of pharmaceutical companies, as their production costs are higher than the profit. It should be noted that requests for price increases had been submitted for approximately 900 medicines.

The list also includes important consumer products such as antibiotics and insulins.

Because the increases were imperative

The increases in medicines – which come as a follow-up to a Ministerial Decision issued last February – are characterized as imperative, as cheap, necessary and proven long-term medicines for a number of diseases were at risk of being withdrawn from the market by the manufacturing companies as harmful and financially unprofitable.

The Ministry of Health was forced to proceed with corrective actions, as in the previous Price Bulletins a large number of preparations received prices below the average of the two lowest prices of Eurozone countries (Greece prices the preparations based on the average of the two lowest prices of its countries Eurozone).

As a result there have been significant protests and warnings of a barrage of withdrawals from the pharmaceutical industry.
The cost from the revaluations is estimated to amount to approximately 30 million euros for patients in addition to their participation, while the cost to EOPYY amounts to approximately 60 million euros.

Finally, it is noted that the list of increases prices it finally contains 580 drugs and not 461, as was known in June.

See here the list of medicines

Source: iatropedia

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