Poland ends investigation into presidential plane crash

The commission was established in 2016 by Jaroslaw Kaczynski, Lech’s twin brother, with the express aim of pinning the blame for the disaster on Russia. However, it has not provided any convincing evidence during its years of operation.

The Brotherhood’s Law and Justice (PiS) party has always questioned the official investigation’s findings that the disaster was caused by human error and bad weather, preferring theories involving a Polish-Russian conspiracy and a mid-air explosion.

The surviving Kaczynski twin was at the time the leader of the PiS party and a very influential figure in the conservative government.

PiS has been holding monthly commemorations of the disaster for many years, using the occasion to emphasize the need to “find the truth”.

“This is the end of lying on behalf of the Polish government, the end of the activity of issuing hundreds of millions of zlotys, which has nothing to do with explaining the causes of the tragedy, but has a lot to do with politics,” Deputy Defense Minister Cezary Tomczyk told reporters.

“This is a truly historic moment when the Polish state finally admits the truth, when the Polish state agrees that the causes of the disaster must be determined by experts, not politicians,” he said.

Commission Chairman Antonis Macierewicz accused Donald Tusk, who was prime minister at the time of the crash and has just returned to his post, of “diplomatic betrayal,” while Mr. Kaczynski has always accused Mr. Tusk of “moral responsibility” for his brother’s death.

A. Macierewicz criticized D. Tusk for not being able to return the wreckage of the plane to Poland, but the conservative government that ruled for the last eight years also failed to do so.

Members of the official delegation that went to Katyn to commemorate the mass killing of Polish officers by the Red Army in 1940 on the orders of Joseph Stalin were killed in the disaster.

#Poland #ends #investigation #presidential #plane #crash
2024-08-04 17:27:14



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