Warzinger: “Those who work must not be stupid: The end of the social welfare paradise in Vienna!”

2024-08-04 13:04:02

Vienna(OTS) –

“Those who work must not be stupid: the end of Vienna’s social welfare paradise! In the end, it is unbearable that at the end of the day less than a recently arrived refugee among the workers has not paid a single euro to our social system for a day. A day without work Just netting €5,000 or more, this is simply ridiculous and should be stopped today rather than tomorrow. Anyone who defends a system that gives welfare recipients more money than workers is undermining the welfare state. Trust. This playing with fire must end immediately!” said August Wöginger, Chairman of the People’s Party of the National Council, referring to the Vienna Social Welfare Report.

That is why, according to the provisions of our Chancellor’s Austria Plan, we can only benefit from full social benefits from the fifth year of residence in Austria. We cannot be targeted by those who specifically seek good social institutions rather than good employment prospects because of our good social networks. We need new workers, not new long-term social welfare recipients.

Original OTS press release is the sender’s sole responsibility for its content – WWW.OTS.AT | NVP

#Warzinger #work #stupid #social #welfare #paradise #Vienna



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