This symptom that can go unnoticed is an alert to be taken seriously, according to a dentist

There are various symptoms that may indicate a potential health issue. When it comes to oral cancer, a dentist has pointed out the signs that should raise your awareness.

Numerous unusual symptoms can draw our attention more than others when we suspect we might be dealing with an illness. For this reason, Wales Online has compiled a list of symptoms that should alert us to the possibility of oral cancer.

Health is incredibly valuable. When faced with potential health issues like cancer, it’s crucial to pay attention to your body and not disregard the symptoms. Dentist Dr. Smita Mehra emphasized essential information that could save your life.

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Other symptoms that can indicate health concerns

There are several signs that may suggest something is wrong with your health, particularly with oral cancer. If you have persistent sores or ulcers, it is important to have them evaluated by a healthcare professional, especially if they last for more than two weeks. If you are experiencing unexplained bleeding, this symptom may arise from the formation of cancerous tumors that invade and damage nearby tissues. As a result, the tissues may become weakened and more susceptible to breakage.

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Furthermore, if you notice unexpected swelling, this should also prompt you to consult a healthcare professional. The development of cancer cells can lead to visible swellings. Any noticeable swelling should be assessed by a professional if it begins to interfere with oral function, which may manifest as difficulty in chewing and speech difficulties. This symptom is often accompanied by significant pain, which can be a crucial factor in determining if a more serious issue needs medical intervention. Swelling frequently necessitates additional diagnostic procedures, such as biopsies and imaging tests, which can aid in earlier identification of cancer.

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Pay close attention to this specific symptom

Weight loss, ear pain, a persistent cough, changes in voice, or chronic bad breath—these are all symptoms that should make you wary of possible oral cancer. However, if there is one particular indicator that warrants attention, it is red or white spots in the mouth. These should definitely be examined, especially if they are thick and do not easily come off when scraped.

Red spots are typically described as smoother and flatter than the surrounding tissues on the tongue, gums, or even the inside of the cheeks or palate. In either case, it is crucial to seek consultation with a dentist or healthcare professional. This could be an early indication of potential oral cancer, particularly if these symptoms persist for several weeks.

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A graduate of the Nice School of Journalism, I am 26 years old and originally from the South of France. Passionate about reading and sports, I am also a …

Understanding the Symptoms of Oral Cancer: What to Watch For

There are many symptoms that can alert you to a possible health problem. When it comes to oral cancer, a dentist has warned about the indicators that should put you on alert.

Health is something very precious. When we are faced with possible health problems like cancer, it is important to listen to yourself and not ignore the symptoms. Dentist Dr. Smita Mehra highlighted vital information that could save your life. According to a report by Wales Online, being aware of specific symptoms can be crucial in early detection.

Symptoms of Oral Cancer You Should Never Ignore

There are several indicators that can tell you that something is wrong with your health, especially oral cancer in particular. If you have persistent sores or ulcers, it is imperative to have them examined by a health professional, especially if they last longer than two weeks. Unexplained bleeding can also point to serious issues, as it may be caused by the development of cancerous tumors that invade and damage surrounding tissues. In this case, tissues weaken and are more prone to breakage.

Next, unexplained swelling is another red flag. Cancer cells can cause visible swellings that may be painful and can impede oral functions. If you notice difficulty when chewing or speaking, this warrants immediate consultation with a professional. Swelling often leads to additional diagnostics like biopsies and imaging tests, which can help identify cancer at an earlier stage.

Particular Symptoms That Demand Attention

Weight loss, chronic ear pain, persistent coughing, changes in voice, or unusual bad breath are all serious symptoms that should alert you to possible oral cancer. However, one of the most significant indicators is the presence of red or white spots in the mouth. These spots should be evaluated, especially if they are thick and do not easily come off when scraped.

Red spots, for example, are characterized as being smoother and flatter than surrounding tissues on the tongue, gums, or the inside of the cheeks or palate. It is crucial to consult a dentist or healthcare provider if these symptoms persist for several weeks, as they can signify early signs of oral cancer.

The Importance of Early Diagnosis

Caught early, oral cancer can be treated effectively, which is why recognizing the symptoms is vital. Dentists recommend performing regular self-examinations of your mouth and paying attention to any abnormalities.

How to Conduct a Self-Examination

  • Visual Inspection: Look for any red or white patches, sores, or changes in color.
  • Feeling for Lumps: Gently feel your cheeks, gums, and the floor of your mouth for any swollen areas.
  • Check Your Tongue: Stick out your tongue and observe any changes in color or texture.

When to See a Dentist

You should consult a healthcare professional if you notice:

Symptom When to Act
Persistent Sores If they last longer than two weeks
Unexplained Bleeding Whenever it occurs without explanation
Difficulty Chewing/Swallowing Immediate medical attention is needed
Red/White Patches If they last more than two weeks

Practical Tips for Oral Health

To maintain optimal oral health and reduce the risk of oral cancer, consider the following practical tips:

  • Regular dental check-ups: Aim for at least twice a year.
  • Practice good oral hygiene: Brush and floss daily.
  • Avoid tobacco: Smoking and chewing tobacco significantly increase the risk of oral cancer.
  • Limit alcohol consumption: Excessive drinking can also heighten the risk.
  • Eat a balanced diet: A diet rich in fruits and vegetables can help protect against cancer.

Case Studies and Patient Experiences

Many individuals have shared their journeys with oral cancer, emphasizing the importance of early detection:

  • Sarah’s Story: Diagnosed at stage 1, Sarah’s diligent self-exams helped her catch the disease early, leading to an excellent prognosis.
  • John’s Journey: John ignored persistent sores, only to find that he had progressed to stage 3 oral cancer. He advocates for awareness and regular dental visits.


Oral cancer symptoms can be subtle, yet they are critical signals your body is sending. By remaining vigilant and proactive about your oral health, you can significantly improve your chances of early diagnosis and successful treatment. Make a commitment to prioritize your health by scheduling regular dental check-ups and maintaining a keen awareness of your body’s signals.

Johanna Wozniak

Written by Johanna Wozniak, a graduate of the Nice School of Journalism. A passionate health advocate, she aims to spread awareness about the importance of oral health.



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