‘Nuclear waste’ issue: Residents ‘did not answer any guiding questions’; operator admits ‘missing’ from conversation: Tokyo News Tokyo Net

2024-08-03 03:00:00

On the 1st, the Nuclear Power Management Organization (NUMO), which is responsible for the final disposal of high-level radioactive waste (nuclear waste) from nuclear power plants, launched Japan’s first disposal project in Sutsu Town and Kamenai Village, and Hokkaido submitted a revised document survey report to the Council of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry proposal. Although no one objected, there was still a scene where NUMO apologized for “dialogue” with the local community. Citizens’ groups also prepared a report questioning the nature of the “dialogue”. Can I keep talking like this? (Kihara Ikko)

Signboard erected near Sutsu City Hall (back right) = photo taken in 2020

◆NUMO employees apologize for “dishonesty and shortcomings”

“This was a huge oversight. I’m sorry that it became an afterthought.” At the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry meeting on the 1st, NUMO officials bowed deeply.

A literature survey is the first step in selecting a disposal site. In terms of literature research, NUMO held a total of 36 “dialogue forums” in towns and villages, in which some residents participated. In order to provide reference for other regions, NUMO conducted “reflective” interviews with a total of 51 people from towns and villages.

During the interview, it was discovered that a person from an unknown organization other than NUMO was present and that a NUMO employee was guiding the interviewer. At a council meeting in June, he fully walked back his response, saying “I did not make any intrusive remarks” and issued an unusual apology, saying “there were aspects of it that were dishonest and inadequate” .

◆Hokkaido and Sutsu residents are on high alert

One of the interviewees, Nobuka Miki (52 years old), co-representative of the “Urban Residents Association” composed of Sutsu residents, said: “I could choose to be interviewed by NUMO or a research company. I asked the research company, but on the day of the interview, For some reason, NUMO staff were also present.

Kazuyuki Tsuchiya (75), who was also interviewed, was on high alert, saying: “I don’t know how my answer will be interpreted or used. I didn’t answer any questions that might have guided my answer.”

Committee members also filed complaints. NUMO will write a dialogue forum evaluation report based on the opinions from the meeting. The literature survey report itself is not expected to be submitted to local government until this fall.

◆Some groups seemed to support us and asked, “Can this continue as is?”

However, a group emerged that decided to wait for its creation. This is a “Citizens’ Project to Consider Dialogue on Nuclear Waste” initiated by the citizens of Hokkaido.

A 30-page report was prepared in mid-July. He spoke about how to provide information about the risks of geological disposal projects and two-way communication, saying: “Using the word ‘dialogue’ gives the impression that a fair conversation is always taking place.” “Allowing local communities to take over the responsibility inherent in final disposal projects Can all the conflict and chaos continue as it is?”

Project representative Shiori Miyazaki (31 years old) moved to Hokkaido in 2019. Since learning that Sutsu Town was considering applying for a literature survey in August 2020, he has been paying attention to the trends of residents in the town. “The contradictions faced by the townspeople are more complex than the conflicting opinions on whether to accept the final disposal site. In this case, we should focus on getting them to understand the operator’s explanation. This is called dialogue, and we will not.” We can call it dialogue. ?

Hokkaido Sutsu Town Center=Taken in 2020

◆ “Put citizens in a position where experts can guide them”

Town residents also welcome support from outside the town. Mr. Miki, mentioned earlier, said, “He took the matter as his own business,” and Mr. Tsuchiya continued, “This is not just about Jutsu, it is about the original form of Jutsu’s movement. “The nuclear waste problem. “

Is it possible to proceed to the next stage through “dialogue” alone, which is fraught with problems?

“Dialogue between experts and citizens is a process in which experts provide information based on citizens’ curiosity for knowledge,” said Seiko Yoshida, a visiting associate professor (history of science and technology) at the Faculty of Agriculture at Hokkaido University. “Where citizens are drawn in in a disproportionate way. “Even if NUMO moves forward in this way, the divisions that have emerged in the region will not be bridged; in fact, the dialogue will only intensify and will not be resolved unless the dialogue continues. Bridged.”

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