Should we really blame tourism for all our ills?

2024-08-02 11:22:41

As visitors sipped drinks in sunny cafes this summer, they sometimes felt a hint of unease: as if their presence wasn’t entirely welcome… Portugalhave Athenshave Mallorca have Tenerife Or in Annecy, where the 2024 season has brought another wave of demonstrations against tourists, who drive out residents and homogenize the culture of popular destinations. Angry Barcelona residents Spray visitors with water gunsLast January, the director of Florence’s Accademia Gallery declared that the city had sold its soul to tourists, calling it ” “prostitute”.

Anti-tourism protests Not news and do not always have the same motivations. However, they have a common denominator : The local economy will not benefit from tourism, while the cost of hosting tourists will continue to increase.

Are these anti-tourism slogans and actions justified? 5% of EU economic activitydirectly and indirectly supporting jobs and businesses. Without tourism, the economies of many regions would be poorer.

have MallorcaStill, protesters argue that tourists occupy beaches, strain public services and drive up housing costs beyond residents’ reach. They may not be wrong, but they lack a global perspective on the situation.

Export patterns and employment sources

estimate 1.3 billion International tourist trips in 2023. These tourists spend more than $1.5 trillion (about 1.4 trillion euros): that’s roughly the size of Spain’s economy. If tourism were a country Therefore, it will become part of the G20.

Furthermore, international tourism is considered an export for the host country, as international travelers earn money in their home country and spend it in another country. 370 billion euros Those export earnings help balance import costs and pay for products such as food and fuel that are not available locally.

Globally, tourism is also an important source of employment. In 2019, before the outbreak, travel and tourism represented 10.5% of all jobsOn some Caribbean islands, more than 90% of jobs All belong to the tourism industry.

The benefits of welcoming visitors can also be felt in other areas of activity. Producer For example, food and beverage companies sell products to tourists, and Farmers can diversify their income Provide wine tasting and other tourism experiences.

Complex and alternative factors

Tourism therefore generates significant economic activity. But research shows that income from staying in a destination is often limited by: Leakage rateIt is estimated that for every US$1 million spent by tourists in Seychelles, Less than half remain in the local economy. This income can Escape Due to the import of products not available locally, especially food or gasoline, and when tourist facilities are closed Foreign-owned.

The development of tourism has undoubtedly shown shortcomingThe influx of people into popular destinations can exacerbate congestion in public services and shared spaces. But the issues raised during the protests, such as rising housing costs, are often caused by more complex and diverse factors.

A study For example, a survey in London, a city facing extreme supply shortages and a growing number of “generation renters,” showed that Airbnb played a relatively small role in rising housing costs. otherResearch focusing on South Carolina, USA, shows that short-term vacation rentals can stimulate micro-entrepreneurs in the hospitality industry and help residents maximize the economic potential of their stay by renting out unused rooms.

What can tourists do?

Ultimately, what unites many anti-tourism protesters is Request respect. of Research Research shows that overtourism is not just a problem of overpopulation, but a long-term problem caused by insufficient treatment of residents during tourism development.

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Visitors can show their respect for their hosts and help alleviate anti-feelings, especially by making their vacation as profitable as possible for the resort.

They can choose to spend their money on smaller, resident-owned businesses, thereby injecting more money into the local economy, rather than turning to large multinational corporations that send profits back to headquarters at high leakage rates.

Choosing more sustainable operators, services and destinations often also brings economic benefits. In Mauritius, for example, the government invested in Sustainable tourism planningthereby enhancing economic growth and bringing benefits to residents.

Visiting less popular places can also allow you to spread the economic benefits around you. In Scotland, nature tourism supports approximately 39,000 full-time jobs.

Tourists and tourism can easily become scapegoats for deeper economic problems. Tourists are a highly visible and often very annoying presence. But without them, destinations would likely be poorer and the economic problems at least as severe.

#blame #tourism #ills



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