This Wednesday the Perfil Córdoba Award will be presented

2024-08-03 23:55:01

The third issue Cordoba Profile Award The meeting will be held on Wednesday, August 7th at 6:00 pm at the Quinto Centenario Hotel. In this way, the award that highlights “the freedom of expression and wisdom of the people of Córdoba” will be held for the third consecutive time and will also celebrate the seventh anniversary of PERFIL CÓRDOBA’s entry into the publishing market.

As happened in the first two editions, the process of meeting the winners begins with the selection of candidates, who are analyzed by media reporters and then shared with a jury of eminent personalities who determine who the winners are.

This year’s judging panel consists of María Belén Mendé (Co-Founder and Vice President of Grupo R’Evolution and President of Scaled University Network), Sebastián López Peña (Member of the Superior Court of Justice), Gisela Veritier (President of Junior Achiavement), Horacio Parga (Managing Partner of Grupo Edisur), Pablo President of Achiavement), Horacio Parga (Managing Partner of Grupo Edisur), Pablo Canedo (former President of the Cultural Institute of Córdoba) and Agustín de la Reta (Director of PERFIL CÓRDOBA).

The award recognizes seven finalists:

-freedom of speech

–Public welfare

– Sustainability

——Labor culture

–Digital and social intelligence

——Justice and excellence


The purpose of awarding awards with these characteristics is to recognize the excellence of the people of Córdoba in their daily work in different fields such as culture, education, technology, justice, journalism, sustainable development and public interest.

“The laureates of previous editions have been those who put freedom and wisdom into action to make life better for all citizens. Therefore, the name of the award is dedicated to the freedom of expression and wisdom of the people of Córdoba. Today, these values In our country it is scarce, but in Córdoba we will speak out year after year, our people make us proud, make us know and become better,” Agustín de la Reta Said approval.

Los Introduction to Awards They are Perfil Editors classics: they have been published 13 times, the last of which (last year) focused on 40 years of democracy. Previously, the award was given to health professionals who have played an important role during the Covid-19 pandemic.

The awards ceremony will be attended by special guests from different regions of Córdoba, as well as the highest provincial and municipal authorities. The event will be covered live through the media’s social networks and websites, and interviews with the winners will be featured in the Sunday edition of PERFIL CÓRDOBA on August 11.

#Wednesday #Perfil #Córdoba #Award #presented



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