The CEC approved the new boundaries of the Seimas election constituencies, changes are foreseen in the majority

In Vilnius, it was decided to establish a new electoral district of Naujininkai-Rasui, thus there will be a total of 14 districts in the capital instead of 13, as in the previous elections.

In addition, it was decided to establish a new Vilnius Southern District instead of Panerių-Grigiškių District, which will own part of Vilnius city and district areas.

As in the previous parliamentary elections, seven constituencies remain in Kaunas, four in Klaipėda, two each in Šiauliai and Panevėžys. The limits of some of them have been changed depending on the number of voters.

The district of Molėtai-Širvintos, located in North-Eastern Lithuania, has been abolished.

“Every movement before the elections is very painful. When one limit is moved, all others have a tendency to change, this also needs to be evaluated”, said CEC member Inga Milašiūtė.

Chairman of the CEC, Lina Petronienė, said that when redrawing the boundaries of electoral districts, efforts were made to make them coincide as much as possible with the boundaries of municipalities.

However, according to her, the territories of only four municipalities fully correspond to the territories of electoral districts – these are the municipalities of Jonava, Šilutė, Telšiai and Utena.

More than half – 35 – municipal territories are not divided, that is, the electoral district consists of the entire municipality and another municipality or part of it is added to it.

“Twelve municipalities are larger than what is needed for one district, so whether you like it or not, they need to be divided,” explained L. Petronienė.

22 election constituencies consist of part or all of the territory of one municipality, 24 constituencies consist of the territories of two municipalities, and ten constituencies consist of areas belonging to three municipalities.

“We have not yet had parts of four municipal territories in one district. With this year’s project, we managed to ensure this, we cannot guarantee whether it will always be like this”, said the chairwoman of the Central Committee.

In November, the residents of Skaudvilė region appealed to the CEC, disapproving of the intention to separate their election district from Tauragė and join it to the Jurbarka-Karšuva district. As a result, more than 750 voter signatures were collected, but the CEC decided that this change was necessary.

The boundaries of electoral constituencies are revised before each Seimas election in order to ensure a more or less equal number of voters in the constituencies. According to October data, there should have been approximately 34.2 thousand people in one district. voters. The Election Code allows a small – up to 10 percent. – a deviation to the greater or lesser side.

Thus, in October, out of 70 electoral districts in Lithuania, seven electoral districts were too large and seven were too small.

Four districts in the Vilnius region are too large: Nemenčinės, Medininkai, Naujosios Vilnias, Naujamiestis-Naujininkai, two in the Kaunas region – Garliava and Aleksoto-Vilijampole, and one more on the coast – Mēguva, which includes the city of Palanga and the territories of two other municipalities.

The districts of Karšuva, Nevėžys, Sėla rytinė, Sėla večina, Vilkaviškis, Deltuva south and Molėtai-Širvintės are too small.

On Thursday, the CEC formed 70 constituencies for the Seimas elections on the territory of Lithuania, one more separate constituency is intended for Lithuanians abroad.

71 members of the Seimas are elected in these single-mandate constituencies, and 70 parliamentarians are also elected based on party lists. There are a total of 141 parliamentarians in the Seimas.

Seimas elections will be held on October 13, 2024.

#CEC #approved #boundaries #Seimas #election #constituencies #foreseen #majority
2024-08-04 00:17:53



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