Highway patrol begins control of license plates this Sunday

Asuncion, IP.- According to the established schedule, starting this Sunday, February 1, the Highway Police will begin checking the license plates of motorcycles and cars circulating on the country’s roads. Those that do not have license plates or have temporary plates ending in 1 will be detained.

The Caminera will stop vehicles without license plates or with expired temporary license plates and take them to the impound lot, announced the director of the institution, Luis Christ Jacobs.

“We understand that this will have a positive impact on the population and those who continue with the number ending 1 and those who have the number ending 2, we understand that they will take care of obtaining documentation, which is the primary objective,” said the director in communication with radio 1º de Marzo.

He indicated that the fine for not having a license plate or having one that has expired is five days’ wages.

According to the planned schedule, vehicles with temporary license plates ending in 1 will be retained in February, those with license plates ending in 2 in March, and so on until the controls are completed in November with those ending in 0.

Jacob pointed out that the Highway Patrol is determining a new notification system with the Court of Offenses, taking into account that if six months have passed without the owner having made any arrangements to regularize the situation of his/her impounded vehicle, that vehicle can be auctioned off in accordance with the new traffic law.

He pointed out that by removing the vehicle from the public road, the owner is already being notified that he has a period of six months to make the relevant arrangements.

#Highway #patrol #begins #control #license #plates #Sunday
2024-08-03 23:43:00



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