Mauricio Macri relaunches the PRO by juggling: officialism or opposition to Javier Milei? | The former president gathered his troops in La Boca

Decrees, resolutions and degradations

By Roberto Lopez

Since December 11, 2023, Argentina has experienced an unprecedented institutional degradation. The accumulation of power in the hands of the president of the nation, who publicly assumes himself as a destroyer of the state, thanks to the generous delegation of powers granted by the legislative branch, generates a scenario of uncertainty for the fulfillment and respect of the rights enshrined in the National Constitution.

Archimedes, Milei’s advisor?

By Pablo Vera

The attack is relentless and merciless. Roman troops led by General Marcellus attack Syracuse, the cultural centre of Ancient Greece, around 213 BC. When he asks his officers for explanations about the slow advance, he is told that the troops are suffering damage from the Syracusan catapults that are resisting the Roman attack.

As for the military use of the lever arm, the Syracusans also had a kind of claw, which, using an ingenious mechanism of levers, balances and pulleys counterbalanced by heavy objects such as stones, hooked Roman vessels, hoisting them up, and then released them at almost ninety degrees, causing them to sink. In addition to the claw, the Syracusans had the so-called “death ray”, giant mirrors installed on the Syracuse seawall, which projected sunlight onto enemy vessels.

Paolo Rocca: “We were too optimistic with Milei”

With the nuances of the subject and his historical way of speaking in public, the owner of Techint, Paolo Rocca, highlighted a difference of views on the possibility of investments and the recovery proposed by the National Government.

“We were probably too optimistic with Milei, thinking that this could be done in the short term,” said the Italian businessman in an internal communication between his company and investors. The details of this conversation, published by the international news agency Bloomberg, are related to the quarterly presentation of Tenaris’ balance sheet.

Pablo González: “Milei should not intervene in a SA listed on the New York Stock Exchange”

Former president of Yacimientos Petrolíferos Fiscales (YPF) Pablo González questioned Javier Milei for his comments regarding Governor Axel Kicillof and what he considered to be interference by the head of state in the national oil company.

“Before it was confirmed, he declared that the LNG project was going to Punta Colorada, and the reason he gave is not very technical: he said it was because Axel Kicillof is a communist, nonsense. He (Milei) should not intervene in a corporation listed on the New York Stock Exchange,” González said at 750.

Macri attacked “Milei’s entourage” and criticized Bullrich’s “destructive attitude” towards the PRO

After relaunching the PRO, the former president insisted against Javier Milei’s “entourage”, whom he accused of not supporting the president. “In Milei’s entourage there are people who do not allow themselves to be helped,” he said. And when asked on TN by journalist Jonatan Viale if those people were Karina Milei and Santiago Caputo, the former president nodded and added “Posse, before.”

“The environment is his inner circle. Everything we have done has been against them. We want to help and there is experience that we can take advantage of,” he said and clarified that “Milei understands the diagnosis, but he has never had to do this. He has valuable people, but he does not work as a team. Coordination must be achieved, and for that, clear roles must be defined. There cannot be grey roles and double controls. You cannot put someone in a position if you do not give them the authority to put together their team.”

When the host of the show “¡La Ves?” showed him a photo of Karina Milei, Macri responded: “I couldn’t meet her, I didn’t have the opportunity to have a one-on-one conversation with her. I talked a lot with Milei, but I didn’t meet her, unfortunately. I want to talk to everyone, I’m open to helping everyone.”

Regarding the former president of the PRO and current Minister of Security, he considered that “it is wrong for Patricia to speak in a pejorative manner about the PRO. Nobody was amused that she came third in the election. I do not have any kind of personal conflict with Patricia, but it is not right that she has such a destructive attitude.”

Macri chose his intimate enemies: Karina Milei and Santiago Caputo

If we look at his relaunch speech, Mauricio Macri brought only two new axes to his repeated speech: he stressed his support for Milei’s “ideas”, but he stressed, above all, that the conflicts with the head of state are limited to his entourage.

This is how he reveals the idea of ​​a “lock” on the president, accusing – without giving names – Karina Milei and Santiago Caputo, the two people who are most trusted by the far-right leader. “I can attest that we were able to help the president despite his entourage,” said Macri, on stage at the presentation of the “new PRO.”

The photo with the members of the “new PRO”

Former President Mauricio Macri posted this image on the social network X, with one of the phrases he said in his speech to relaunch the space: “We have chosen to tie our destiny to the destiny of Argentina. This commitment we have made is forever.”

Adorni’s circus added two imitators

This Thursday, Manuel Adorni stood in front of the accredited journalists at Casa Rosada for a new press conference. Among those present, two cosplayers stood out – quite clearly – who tried to steal as many minutes of the camera as possible by dressing and combing their hair like President Javier Milei.

But the strangest thing was that there were no surprised faces among the accredited reporters. The answer can be found in the comments, on the sly, of those who cover the day to day in the Government House. They themselves assure that it was “just another day at the office”, since the Presidential Spokesperson usually allows these pictures more appropriate for a circus than for government offices.

A Trump man put a stop to Milei’s thirst for dollars

By Leandro Renou

Mauricio Claver Carone, Donald Trump’s man in the region and who worked to give Mauricio Macri the largest loan in the history of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), left the government of Javier Milei a very tough message at the most delicate moment for the Central Bank’s (BCRA) reserves and in a scenario of exchange rate volatility.

“The policy of buying time by thinking that with Trump you will get more money from the Fund is an illusion, it is illogical and it will lead to failure. First, because it does not work that way. And second, Milei and Trump still do not have a relationship,” Carone said in an extensive interview.



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