when the heat ends. Giuliacci indicates the date –

When will the great end? heat that is gripping Southern Italy? If in the North the passage of disturbances has broken the heatwave even in the last few hours, in the South the situation has been the same for weeks: hot and muggy especially in Puglia, Calabria, Sicily and Sardinia. To provide the latest forecast he is the colonel Mario Giuliacci which also indicates a date of the possible turning point. In the last few hours, in fact, the weather models have “introduced some interesting news”, we read on the website MeteoGiuliacci. What are we talking about? The latest elaborations suggest that in the South and on the major islands the great heat will dominate “until 8-9 August”, but “the possible surprise“, explains the veteran of the time on TV and on the web.

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Around the 10th-11th of August, in fact, the possibility of the arrival of “fresh Atlantic currents along our entire Peninsula, down to the southern regions”, becomes concrete. After the first ten days of August, summer 2024 could see a stop to the great heat.

#heat #ends #Giuliacci #date #Tempo
2024-08-03 20:06:58



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