Natural Health Care Institute 6 reasons to love your cholesterol!

2024-07-25 11:46:09

Author: Isabel Rusuli/July 25, 2024/ 31 views

Dear friend, dear friend,

Did you know that cholesterol is absolutely necessary to survive?

This molecule will take care of you. Better than that, it keeps you alive.

The simple fact that this molecule is produced by your body shows how important it is.

This important job is performed by your liver.

It produces 80% of cholesterol. As long as you eat good fats, your diet should make up the remaining 20% ​​(1,2).

Otherwise, your liver will take over.

Unlike your doctor, he knows your desperate cholesterol needs!

He will do whatever it takes to get your level high enough.

Here are 5 reasons to love cholesterol in your body.

1/ It is a component element of the cell membrane

The liver delivers LDL (low-density lipoprotein) cholesterol to body tissues (2,3).

LDL is used specifically to make cell membranes.

HDL (high-density lipoprotein) transports excess cholesterol from these tissues to the liver, where it is eliminated (2,3).

It is sometimes said that LDL is the “bad” cholesterol and HDL is the “good” cholesterol (3).

But that doesn’t make sense.

This is because excess LDL can be deposited in the arteries before the body can use it (2,3).

But the fact is that it is this famous LDL that will be used to make your plasma (cell) membrane.

LDL even makes up nearly a third of the lipids that make up these cell membranes. This is far from a detail (4.5)!

It is He who gives your cells resistance and flexibility (4,5).

LDL is cholesterol that is transported before being used by the body’s cells and tissues, and HDL is cholesterol that is transported after it has passed through the body (2,3).

Both are indispensable.

2/ Cholesterol is the communication medium

If the plasma membrane is composed of lipids, it protects the interior of the cells from possible invaders while providing them with the possibility of communicating with the outside world.

Cholesterol is especially important for the passage of the body’s messenger proteins, also called signaling proteins (6).

These proteins are located on the cell surface and can receive signals from the environment and transmit these signals within the cell through a series of protein interactions and biochemical reactions (6).

This phenomenon can be observed through MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) (6,7,8).

3/ Cholesterol protects your brain and cognitive abilities

Among all cells, brain cells and neurons may be the cells that require cholesterol the most (9).

Cholesterol levels are high throughout the central nervous system (9,10).

When these cells are starved of cholesterol, the risk of memory and cognitive function deterioration increases (9,10).

Recent data collected as part of the Framingham Cardiovascular Disease Study demonstrates this.

This research was initiated in Framingham, Massachusetts, USA in 1948 (12).

This is the third generation of patients tracked by Harvard Medical University researchers (13).

Framingham’s latest observational data show a direct link between cholesterol levels and cognitive abilities, including fluency in speech, ability to concentrate, and ability to reason abstractly (12,13)​​.

Other studies in mice have shown similar results: When cholesterol levels in the brain decrease, cognition and memory decline as well (13).

Likewise, higher cholesterol levels are associated with a higher risk of Parkinson’s disease (14).

4/ Cholesterol helps you digest

Half of the cholesterol produced by the liver is used to produce bile salts or bile acids (15).

The latter itself can be used to digest fats, especially cholesterol.

This is a virtuous cycle.

Bile breaks down large pieces of fat and creates emulsified droplets that the body can digest and use (15).

5/ Cholesterol is used to make many hormones

Cholesterol is also used by the body to produce sex hormones such as testosterone, progesterone, and estrogen (15).

It is also used in the manufacture of corticosteroids.

Cholesterol is necessary for adrenaline to function properly.

Cholesterol is used to produce vitamin D, often associated with the hormone, which strengthens the immune system (16, 17, 18).

6/ Anti-cancer assets

Finally, cholesterol is effective in fighting cancer.

Therefore, people who are born with high cholesterol are less likely to develop cancer than others. (17)

Conversely, those who lowered their cholesterol levels had an increased risk of cancer. (19)

Simply put, no matter what the pharmaceutical industry says, you need cholesterol!

Medications and food supplements designed to lower cholesterol levels appear to be bad allies for good health.

To avoid cardiovascular disease and other health problems, adopting a Mediterranean diet and leading an active lifestyle appears to be more effective than a sedentary lifestyle.

We’ll discuss this again when we have the opportunity!

Of course it’s yours,


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