Thar deaths: Sindh has asked for lightning protection measures

Due to the death of people and livestock due to lightning strikes during monsoon season in Thar desert of Sindh for the past few years, the Sindh government has written letters to various institutions for rescue measures.

Sindh Provincial Energy Minister Syed Nasir Hussain Shah has asked Nadir Shah Edelji Dinsha (NED) University of Karachi and the Federal Institute for Science and Technology after the death of eight people, including six people from the same house, due to lightning in Thar a few days ago. By writing a letter, he requested to give the scientific reasons and preventive measures for lightning strikes in Thar.

In other incidents, 40-year-old Shafi Muhammad lost his life due to lightning strike in Bantario village. 11-year-old Farzana died due to lightning in Khamisu Mangriu village of Chhachro.

After the letter of the Sindh Energy Minister, the NED University of Karachi sent a report to the Sindh government containing precautionary measures to avoid lightning strikes.

In the report signed by Vice Chancellor of NED University Prof. Dr. Sarosh Hashmat Lodhi, it was said that to avoid lightning after the start of rain, a strong building or a safe shelter or sitting inside a car can be protected. . One should sit away from the door or window of the house during rain.

According to a report received by Independent Urdu, electrical appliances, solar panels and common household items should be avoided during rain.

The report added: ‘Stay away from tall or solitary trees, metal objects such as iron fences, electric poles, and motorcycles to avoid being struck by lightning.

Lightning can be avoided by avoiding going to sand dunes, mountains or other high places or open fields during rain.

“During rain, use of water, wet items or umbrellas that can conduct electricity should be avoided.”

The report sent to the Sindh government added that staying inside a tent, going to an open field or lying upright on the ground during rains increases the chances of being struck by lightning.

According to the report, there are more chances of being struck by lightning by riding an open vehicle such as a bicycle or motorcycle during rain and using a mobile phone while traveling. Also, stay away from metal objects during rain.

According to Vice Chancellor of NED University Professor Dr. Sarosh Hashmat Lodhi, the increase in lightning incidents in Thar is due to climate change.

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Speaking to Independent Urdu, Professor Dr. Sarosh Hashmat Lodhi said: ‘The Thar desert has historically been an arid region. Where in the past there were frequent famines and there was seldom rain. But now due to climate change heavy rains have become common every year in a dry region like Thar.

‘It is common for heavy rain to form and fall with thunder, lightning and lightning. Therefore, an increase in lightning strikes is being seen in Thar.

According to Professor Dr. Sarosh Hashmat Lodhi, lightning usually strikes high hills, mountains, open fields or tall trees. Thar is a dry region of Chou, so there were few trees and the ground water level was very low, so the leaves of these trees were naturally very small due to low water consumption.

“But now, because of the heavy rains, new trees have grown and the leaves of the existing trees have thickened, so the trees attract lightning.

“Lightning is a natural phenomenon, which cannot be prevented. Precautions have to be taken for this. We have sent some measures to Sindh government. An awareness campaign should be conducted in the public on the basis of these measures.

Are earth lightning rods also effective for lightning protection? In response to Prof. Dr. Sarosh Hashmat Lodhi said: ‘If lightning strikes trees, how many trees will be struck with a rod? Well this rod is also a better solution. A conductor is a wire that conducts lightning into the ground, dissipating it. Stainless steel wire should be used for this.’

Increase in lightning deaths in Thar

In Thar, there has been a huge increase in lightning strikes in the last few years. Deaths of humans and livestock are frequent due to lightning strikes.

In a recent report by the Association for Applied Education and Renewable Energy, a non-governmental organization working in Thar for many years, citing the statistics of the district administration Tharparkar, it was said that between 2019 and 2023, 98 people died due to lightning strikes in Thar. People died and 33 were injured.

The report said that 1,756 cattle also lost their lives due to lightning.

The trend of using a metal rod to protect against lightning

The Association for Applied Education and Renewable Energy has started installing metal rods in various villages of Thar to protect against lightning.

According to the director of the organization, Ali Akbar Rahman, due to lightning strikes in Thar, people get scared when the rain starts, because lightning strikes have become a common thing in Thar.

Speaking to Independent Urdu, Ali Akbar Rahman said: ‘Our organization has started the installation of metal rods after consulting various experts.

‘Copper rod for this purpose, which has a ball-like structure on top of which some small copper rods are attached. The rod was tied to a 25 feet long bamboo.

‘A bamboo rod was attached to a four-inch thick wire and the wire was driven into the ground. 20 feet boring was done in the ground. This metal wire is inserted into this bore up to five feet.

With the help of this wire, lightning will go into the ground and the people sitting in this building will be safe.

‘In Thar, people generally live in huts known locally as Choinro. It was not possible to plant such a large bamboo with it. So we have installed these rods next to the paved building of the government school in the village.

“In the first phase, such wires have been installed in 10 villages of Chhachru Tehsil of Tharparkar district and the local people have been told that all the people of the village can stay safe from lightning in this building during rain.”

#Thar #deaths #Sindh #asked #lightning #protection #measures
2024-08-03 11:25:49



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