What is the plant used for, its properties and why it is toxic to dogs

The crown of christscientifically known as Euphorbia milli, is a plant native to Madagascar that has found its place in the gardens and homes of Mexico.

This plant not only stands out for its showy flowers, but also for its medicinal properties which make it a valuable resource for treating various conditions.

Caring for the Crown of Christ

The crown of christ It belongs to the Euphorbiaceae family and is a thorny shrub that can reach up to 150 centimeters tallIts stems are covered with straight spines up to three centimetres long, and its small green leaves end in a rosette.

The flowers, which may vary in shades from yellow to red, they are pendulous and toothed, offering a visual spectacle almost all year round. This plant is easy to find in ravines, slopes and places with partial shade in tropical areas.

For optimal cultivation, it is recommended Place it in places with full sun or semi-shade, avoiding the cold, since It is not tolerant to low temperatures.

Needs a Moderate watering in spring and autumnfurther abundant in summer, and minimum in winter. In addition, a Good drainage is essential for their healthy growth.

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Benefits and properties of the crown of Christ

The use of the crown of Christ goes beyond the ornamental. According to the Atlas of Traditional Mexican Medicine Plants of the UNAM, This plant has medicinal properties significant.

The latex that comes from it is very useful in phytotherapy for Treat diarrhea, upset stomach, and dizziness. In addition, the leaves of the plant are used to treat skin eruptions, rash and rheumatism.

It also contains compounds that have anti-inflammatory properties. These compounds may help reduce inflammation and relieve symptoms associated with chronic inflammatory conditions, such as arthritis.

He latex extracted from the plant It has been traditionally used as antiseptic for minor wounds and cuts, In addition to preventing infections and helping to heal, it must be taken into account Be careful when applying because it can be toxic.

The analgesic properties of the “Crown of Christ” are used in the relief of mild and moderate pain. Latex and other extracts from the plant are used in poultices to reduce pain in affected areas.

The plant known as “crown of Christ” It also has components that act against pathogenic fungi, making it a natural option for treating fungal skin infections.

Why do they say that Christ’s crown is poisonous?

Despite its benefits, it is important Handle this plant with care due to its latex or milky juice, which is very irritating on contact with the skin. It is recommended avoid contact with eyes y wear gloves when handling.

In case of accidental contact, it is essential Rinse the affected area with water and soap immediately.

He latex of the crown of Christ may cause abdominal pain, intestinal bleeding, irritation of the mouth and throat, and vomiting if ingested or comes into contact with the skin. Therefore, it is crucial to keep this plant out of reach of children and pets, since its ingestion can be toxic and irritating.

Before using any medicinal plant as a home remedy, It is essential to consult a doctor to avoid unexpected adverse reactions. The Crown of Christ, with all its healing properties, must be handled with the respect and caution that any medicine requires.

#plant #properties #toxic #dogs
2024-08-03 08:54:35



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