Diabetes: permitted and prohibited fruits

2024-08-02 11:47:00

Thanks to Dr. Jean-Michel Cohen, nutritionist, author of numerous books, and creator of the Cohen Method

Diabetes is a chronic disease characterized by hyperglycemia, which is too much sugar in the blood. This pathology is caused by insufficient or failed use of insulin. There are two types of diabetes:

type 1 diabeteswhich is caused by the lack of insulin secretion from the pancreas,
type 2 diabetes, which is related to the improper use of insulin by the cells. Type 2 diabetes is the most common and is associated with poor lifestyle: a diet high in sugar and fat, lack of physical activity, sleep disorders, and being overweight or obese.

“It’s important to differentiate between these two types of diabetes because, in fact, type 1 diabetes has less dietary restrictions than type 2 diabetes. If your blood sugar is well controlled, you can eat more or less of the foods you want. On the other hand, you can eat more or less of the foods you want. “For type 2 diabetes, caution is still needed to control carbohydrate intake to avoid excessive blood sugar fluctuations.” Dr. Jean-Michel Cohen informed.

Should you give up fruit when you have diabetes?

The sugar in fruit is called fructose, which belongs to the “simple sugar” or “quick sugar” family. When eaten as a whole fruit, fructose contains essential nutrients such as fiber, vitamins, and minerals. In other words, fruit has real nutritional value for diabetics, as long as it is eaten in moderation, because sugar is still sugar. “For diabetics, fruit intake should be controlled but not eliminated completely. In fact, it is recommended to consume a maximum of 300 to 400 grams of fruit per day, which is equivalent to two fruits. Nutritionist explains.

Diabetes: Which fruits should be avoided?

No fruit is truly forbidden But some contain more than 11 grams of sugar per 100 grams, which is too much. Dr. Jean-Michel Cohen informed. Generally speaking, it is best to eat fruit after a meal so that it can be mixed with the remaining food in the rice bowl. Fruit products with added sugar must be avoided at all costs: jams, juices, preserves, sodas, etc.

The fruit with the highest calories is :

#Diabetes #permitted #prohibited #fruits



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