clash over the post of the TV author who insulted Meloni –

Louis Frasca

Controversy erupts after the article published in yesterday that put the spotlight on the post by Rai author Riccardo Cassini against Giorgia Meloni and her daughter Ginevra. There have been many reactions, especially political ones, condemning the words of the new project manager, in fact, of the program “Affari Tuoi”. Here is the insult that appeared on Facebook: “The mother of fascists is always in China”, read his comment accompanying a photo that immortalized the arrival in China of the prime minister together with her daughter. Only to then attempt a quick step back and delete what he wrote. But, evidently, it was already too late. From the center-right, a united front of indignation and clear condemnation for Cassini’s social outburst. The one to thunder, early in the morning, is Forza Italia senator and member of the Rai Supervisory Commission, Maurizio Gasparri: “Dragging even children into what, coming from the left, will evidently be defined as legitimate irony, seems to us a terrible fall in style”.

Storm over Rai author, insults to Meloni and daughter: and the left is silent

Echoing him shortly after, a large group of parliamentarians from Fratelli D’Italia. “A shameful comment and gratuitous violence. The ideological drift of some authors and journalists of the public service is dangerous and must be stopped. TeleMeloni is another thing”, wrote Senator Speranzon. And again Ester Mieli for whom “such verbal violence is unheard of even towards a child who does not deserve all this. We hope that the left will distance itself from these words”. Even the League did not fail to express solidarity with the prime minister in the words of deputy Maccanti who asks for “immediate apologies, more than ever necessary, and unanimous bipartisan condemnation, also because a child is involved”. Bipartisan condemnation that, unfortunately, did not see the light of day. The media buzz of the last few hours has not been without consequences even internally at Rai. Precisely with the state television, Riccardo Cassini has signed an exclusive contract, apparently for as long as four years. All related to the new restart of “Affari Tuoi”, which after the farewell of Amadeus has found the new leader in Stefano De Martino. The exclusive regarding Cassini, with figures that exceed several hundred thousand euros, would also concern other future television projects. All linked to Stefano De Martino, of which Cassini has been the personal author for several years. In fact, he worked with him on “Stasera tutto è possibile”, a game show on Rai2, quickly becoming the project leader.

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But not only that, Cassini and De Martino also worked together on the various editions of “Bar Stella”, a program that occupied the schedule of the second network. Precisely on this, it seems that Cassini’s compensation was beyond any market figure, we are talking about 5,000 euros for a single episode. An exorbitant figure, which if confirmed, would exceed the compensation of many presenters, considering that it is a production broadcast in the second evening. But not only Rai, Cassini’s post also caused reactions and anger from the top management of Endemol, a production company that has been producing the Rai 1 access format for years.
Cassini, with Endemol, has been collaborating for years on other programs. Not only as an author, but also as a consultant and a procurer for other authors. Cassini is, in fact, the owner of an agency of authors who often collaborate with Rai programs of which he himself is the project manager. In fact, this story shows that the “TeleMeloni” alarm, which in recent months has been the mantra of the left, is increasingly revealing itself to be an invention without any foundation whatsoever. In the meantime, however, the rumors in Rai are becoming more and more insistent: Cassini’s post would have also offended the director of Prime Time Marcello Ciannamea. For the author, who has not yet uttered words of apology, a downgrading or even the revocation of the exclusive contract could arrive in the next few hours.

#clash #post #author #insulted #Meloni #Tempo
2024-08-03 05:08:02



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