MFG sends strong message to 2024 National Council elections

2024-08-02 14:36:12

Prosperity: MFG is running for national council elections despite obstacles, almost across the board: in all major federal states Necessary supporting statements are made. Only the states of Burgenland and Carinthia, where the MFG is not yet structurally rooted, are excluded, although here only a few supporting statements are missing in the end. Therefore, 90% of those eligible to vote in Austria chose the MFG, which is an incredible success for this young electoral movement, which was only founded in 2021 and won more than 6% of the vote three years ago Entering Upper Austria for the first time. State House moves in. The goal is to score points in the September 29 elections, be 100% committed to neutrality and peace, leave the EU in its current form, provide affordable energy and nature protection, not climate madness, and fight the next “pandemic” ” — including long-overdue corona checks.

It won’t be easy for a rising movement like the MFG to be allowed to fully participate in federal elections. Please note that in the digital age, 2,600 people must appear in person at the municipality during the term and fill out the form on the spot, sign it, notarize it and then send it to the campaigning party: “The absurdity of bureaucracy in the digital age. Ban MFG from voting? “Of course!” said Joachim Aigner, Los Angeles representative, chairman of the MFG-Austria Federal Party and NR lead candidate. The joy of being able to compete in all the main federal states is even greater: “This sensational achievement was achieved through the tireless efforts of our many friends, helpers and supporters who work day and night for MFG and its ideas. Thank you very much, ” said Joachim Aigner.

MFG requested that its top candidate Joachim Aigner, LAbg, BSc. No. 2 on the list and earned an M.Eng. PhD. Martin J.F. Steiner, M.S. Number three brings a definite, but more positive, unique selling point to the youth movement:

MFG calls on Austria to immediately cease participation in SkyShield, as this violates neutrality laws and jeopardizes security. MFG wants one active policy of neutrality and peacecentered on people’s well-being.

MFG also wants a referendum on neutrality and is in the process of implementing it EXIT EU, ÖXIT, Functioning to maintain Austria’s neutrality and ultimately cease involvement in sanctions and military commitments.

Corona treatment immediately! Addressing means transparency, apology and compensation. Establish an extra-parliamentary committee to conduct investigations and criminal consequences for acting politicians.

Say no to the EU Green Deal Its goal is “a zero-emission continental Europe by 2050” – a target that will fail because it is not technically feasible and is based on faulty assumptions about CO2-related climate catastrophe. Carbon dioxide is essential for life, not a climate pest. A balanced mix of renewable and fossil energy is needed. Wind and solar energy are insufficient to provide a stable and reliable supply of energy.

MFG promotes the interests of small and medium-sized enterprises, one-person enterprises and small-scale farming. These groups suffer from excessive bureaucracy, often caused by too much EU regulation. MFG stands for maximum freedom and minimum state.

The complete election program is available at

#MFG #sends #strong #message #National #Council #elections



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