Fire in Evia: Great resurgence in Afrati – 2024-08-02 22:57:00

Peloponnese Newsroom

A major revival occurred early on Thursday (1.8.2924) at noon of the fire in Evia and specifically in the Afrati area.

Strong firefighting forces are operating at the scene of the fire in Evia, while aerial means have also been requested.

In particular, 200 firefighters with 9 pedestrian divisions and 52 vehicles are operating.

The picture of the fire in Evia that broke out on Wednesday was better, as firefighters with the help of mild winds managed to contain the fire during the night.

With the first light of day the situation seemed even more improved thanks to the intervention of aerial means.

However, the winds are now blowing stronger – approaching 4 Beaufort – and this was the reason for the great revival.

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#Fire #Evia #Great #resurgence #Afrati



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