Wiretapping: The opposition demands immediate transmission of the Supreme Court decision to the Parliament – 2024-08-02 22:54:00

Common front of the opposition for the immediate transmission of the finding of the Supreme Court on wiretapping to the Parliament.

Specifically, five opposition parties – SYRIZA, PASOK, New Left, Pleussi Eleftherias, KKE – request the transmission of the Supreme Court’s conclusion and the entire case file on the wiretapping, as well as the summons of the prosecutor Georgia Adelini.

SYRIZA – PS has already submitted a request for the convening of an extraordinary meeting of the Committee on Institutions and Transparency based on article 43A of the Rules of Procedure of the Parliament, requesting that the prosecutor of the Supreme Court, Georgia Adelini, as well as the deputy prosecutor of the Supreme Court, Achilleas Zisis, be summoned. “in order to inform the opposition parties, but also to provide the members of the Commission with the entire case file of the wiretapping scandal, for which the relevant order of the Supreme Court prosecutor “on archiving the wiretapping case” was issued, as stated in a relevant announcement by Koumoundourou.

The official opposition also requests that “certainly among the documents” of the case file be included:

1. The findings of the Independent Authorities and the other bodies, which are mentioned in the announcement of the Prosecutor of the Supreme Court, Mr. Georgia Adelini”.

2. “The multi-page (300 pages) opinion of the Deputy Prosecutor of the Supreme Court, Mr. Achilleas Zisi, who conducted the preliminary examination.

3. The relevant order of the prosecutor of the Supreme Court on “filing the case”.

Letter from Koutsouba to Tassoula, Bura

At the same time, the secretary of the KKE, Dimitris Koutsoubas, requests in his letter to Costas Tasoula and Thanasis Bouras the immediate convening of the Special Standing Committee on Institutions and Transparency of the Parliament on the wiretapping case.

The KKE requests the transmission to Parliament of the conclusion of the Supreme Court, the details of the relevant case file and the immediate convening of the Committee on Institutions and Transparency, in order to discuss and thoroughly examine all the facts of the case.

In fact, as Mr. Koutsoubas emphasizes in his letter, “the issuance of the conclusion and the announcement of the Supreme Court prosecutor on the wiretapping case raises very serious questions about the investigation that was conducted, the evidence on which it was based and finally about the validity of the conclusions reached”.

At the same time, he notes that “it is a very serious development that points to a cover-up of government and state responsibilities for this foul case”.

“It shows, once again, the existence of a reactive and dangerous institutional framework, which enables state agencies, but also other circuits, to proceed with “legal” and illegal attachments – based on the doctrine “no one is exempt from surveillance ” – which remain in the dark and ultimately in the fireproof”, underlines the secretary of the KKE.

Common front of five parties

It should be noted that the president of Freedom Sailing, Zoe Konstantopoulou, announced – through statements she gave from the floor of the Parliament – that the requests that will be submitted are five – as many as the parties – for the convening of the Institutions and Transparency Committee.

He announced that he contacted Nikos Androulakis, Stefanos Kasselakis, Dimitris Koutsoubas and Alexis Haritsis and “they all agreed that the examination of the scandal is of the utmost importance”.

In addition, he pointed out that the convening of the Committee can take place immediately, since as Konstantinos Tasoulas has also announced, the Parliament will remain open until Friday, August 2, calling on Kyriakos Mitsotakis “not to delay”.

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