Does risk reduction depend on mother’s diet?

Does risk reduction depend on mother’s diet?

2024-07-25 22:00:00

Home > Health Advice > Autism: Does risk reduction depend on mother’s diet? Written on July 26, 2024 at 12:00 pm Reduce autism risk by following mother’s eating habits?

Could a healthy diet during pregnancy reduce a child’s risk of autism by almost a quarter? A recent study analyzing data from two large cohorts in Norway and the UK shows this.

The study, involving 84,548 mother-child pairs, found Children’s risk of being diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) reduced by 22% Mothers eating a balanced diet during pregnancy. Additionally, these children showed fewer social communication difficulties at ages 3 and 8 years.

Mediterranean diet reduces inflammation and supports optimal brain development

According to the researchers of this study, a healthy diet is equivalent to the Mediterranean diet, which means high amounts of fruits, vegetables, fish, nuts and whole grains and low amounts of red and processed meats and sugary foods. Refined fat drinks and foods.

According to researchers, essential nutrients These foods contain Supports optimal brain development, such as omega-3 found in fish, which plays a vital role in brain structure and function. On the other hand, the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of this diet can help Reduce inflammation and oxidative stress, often associated with neurodevelopmental disorders. Even if the authors don’t talk about it, we might wonder about the possible effects of some common additives present in industrial foods.

Also read Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia: Choline, a Key Factor?

Key future strategy for prenatal nutrition to reduce autism risk?

Previous research has shown that certain nutrients, e.g. folic acid, Vitamin D and fish oil, beneficial during pregnancy. This latest study broadens the perspective by pointing to the role of overall dietary habits rather than individual nutrients and highlights how Prenatal nutrition may become key strategy Reduce autism risk and improve developmental outcomes.

Also read Oxytocin ‘trigger’: What role does it play in increased risk of autism in children?

ALSO READ Autism: After three days of stopping milk and gluten, the beatings stop


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