in the call room with Florent Manaudou

NARRATIVE – The Frenchman, who begins the 50m heats this Thursday, describes how the psychological warfare between swimmers is played out just before the start of a race.

It is a small room where the heart tightens and the rhythm of the beats races. A room where a few chairs allow you to sit. There is something to hydrate yourself or eat a bite while watching the races. A space also where only swimmers summoned for an event are allowed, alone facing themselves before entering the Olympic swimming pool. « It’s a place where there’s a lot of testosterone and tension per square meter, especially in the sprint events. »explain Florent ManaudouOlympic champion in the 50m in 2012 and candidate for a medal in this distance in Paris. « I like that moment. It may not be where the race is won, but it is where you can lose everything, on the other hand.. »

Over the years, the 33-year-old from Villeurbanne has learned to manage these minutes that can seem like hours to some swimmers. Especially the younger ones who are not used to big events, when their legs are shaking. « You me…



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