The Warsaw Uprising of August 1, 1944. Let us remember and celebrate

The Warsaw Uprising was primarily intended to fight the Germans militarily, but also to oppose the USSR and Polish communists subordinate to Stalin politically. The Home Army planned to liberate Warsaw before the arrival of the Red Army, to strengthen the international position of the Polish government in exile and to stop the Sovietization of Poland. As a result of the fighting, about 18,000 insurgents died and 25,000 were wounded. Civilian losses are estimated at about 180,000 killed.

The Warsaw Uprising was the largest battle fought during World War II by an underground organization with occupation forces. The insurgents fought against regular German formations, without heavy weapons, aircraft, cannons and tanks. Its outbreak was determined by political considerations, not military situation. It was the most significant action of the Home Army. The fighting, planned for several days, lasted 63 days. Although the Uprising did not achieve either military or political goals, it was a phenomenon on the scale of occupied Europe. For subsequent generations of Poles, however, it became a symbol of courage in the fight for independence.


Let us stop today at 5:00 p.m. when we hear the sound of sirens to honor the memory of the heroes of the Warsaw Uprising who fought to liberate the capital and restore the independence of the Polish State with a minute of silence.




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