2024 Pilkada Candidate Debates to be Held a Maximum of 3 Times – 2024-08-02 18:24:11

Illustration (Freepik)

THE IMPLEMENTATION of candidate debates in the 2024 regional head elections (Pilkada) will be carried out a maximum of three times. This was conveyed by Member of the General Election Commission (KPU) Idham Holik at the KPU Building, Jakarta, Friday (2/8).

The debate is prioritized for the implementation of regional elections at the provincial level. Regarding the technical implementation of the debate, Idham said, it is regulated by the regional KPU, both provincial and district/city.

“The implementation of the debate for the regional head and deputy regional head candidate pairs is fully regulated by the provincial and district/city KPU that organizes the regional elections. The KPU limits it to a maximum of 3 debates,” said Idham.

Regarding the election debate schedule, Idham said it was determined by the regional KPU. “Later, the schedule will be regulated by each regional KPU,” he added.

The following is the schedule for the 2024 Pilkada stages:

1. February 27—November 16, 2024: Notification and registration of election observers;

Also read: Pilkada Campaign Fund Contributors Divided into 4 Categories

2. April 24—May 31, 2024: Submission of list of potential voters;

3. May 5—August 19, 2024: Fulfillment of support requirements for individual candidate pairs;

4. May 31—September 23, 2024: Updating and compiling the voter list;

Also read: KPU Ensures Campaign Fund Reporting System Does Not Have Errors Like Sirekap

5. On 24-26 August 2024: Announcement of registration of candidate pairs;

6. On 27-29 August 2024: Registration of candidate pairs;

7. August 27—September 21, 2024: Research on candidate requirements;

Also read: Volunteers Must Report Campaign Funds in Pilkada 2024

8. On September 22, 2024: Determination of candidate pairs;

9. On 25 September—23 November 2024: Implementation of the campaign;

10. On November 27, 2024: Implementation of voting; and

11. On 27 November—16 December 2024: Vote counting and recapitulation of vote counting results.

#Pilkada #Candidate #Debates #Held #Maximum #Times



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