They opened the vaults of Camila O’Gorman: the forbidden love that touched Argentina

2024-08-02 17:06:20

team of researchers Opening the O’Gorman Family Vault in the cemetery la recoleta Identifying the remains of Camila O’Gorman, a young Argentinian woman executed in 1848 for having an affair with a priest. A foolish niece wants grave declared historical heritage City of Buenos Aires..

The opening of the vault is part of a research project aimed at clarifying the story of Camilla O’Gorman and her tragic end. Investigators are also seeking to conduct a study to confirm the identity of the remains and better understand the circumstances of his death.

Camilla O’Gorman sentenced to death

Camila O’Gorman, 20, was sentenced to death along with her lover Uladislao Gutiérrez, “an affront to morals and good customs”. His execution was a scandal in Argentinian society at the time and has been the subject of debate and speculation for centuries.

The research team can use DNA analysis techniques to determine the age and identity of the remains.

Two employees at La Recoleta Cemetery open an urn in the O’Gorman family crypt. (Infobae/Jaime Olivos)

This investigation is a joint effort that will help close a new chapter in Argentina’s history.

The cellar is very shabby. Above the entrance to the vault was written word for word: “O’Gorman and Ella’s Family (sic)”.

island, explains Pilar O’Gorman“They are a political family of the bourgeoisie of Buenos Aires. I am the daughter of Enrique, Camila’s brother, and I am a descendant of Camila, married to Isla.

The entrance is padlocked. Pilar said the key was put in by his father, a famous writer, who left it with the cemetery administration and later lost it. They tried several times a few weeks ago without success.

Pilar O'Gorman.  (Information/Jaime Olivos)Pilar O’Gorman. (Information/Jaime Olivos)

The glass on the door was broken, dirty, and covered in cobwebs. People left only white ribbons on their irons. As happened at the tomb of Felicitas Guerrero, a way to honor two young women who experienced a tragic love, remember information base.

A cemetery worker took a grinder to the small cul-de-sac (No. 3, Area 9, near the entrance) and opened the vault.

Pilar added: “I think it’s a good thing that the cemetery has a vault as a tourist attraction. I work with them. For example, it was suggested if we could hold an event here on August 18, the date of Uladislao and Kamila’s execution, telling the story of the two men. I told them yes, of course. I think it is important to work together so that their memory and name can have a prominent place. “They all have their own historical backgrounds, and they are all figures who touch us all.”

Pilar O’Gorman was married to her boyfriend Nicolás Laurnagaray (Administrative Assistant to the National Senate) and La Recoleta Cemetery Manager Gustavo Rossi ( Gustavo Rossi) and Jorge García Cuerva, Archbishop of Buenos Aires, attended the unveiling ceremony of the tomb; Agustina Tardieu, head of the Senate Advisory Group Agustina Tardieu); Carolina Cordero, General Manager, Cultural and Creative Development, CABA Culture Department; Mercedes Urbonas Alvarez, another member of the team and the History of Recoleta Cemetery Susana Gesualdi, former head of the art department.

Camilla O'Gorman.Camilla O’Gorman.

What the Archbishop of Buenos Aires said

For Archbishop García Cuerva, Camila O’Gorman’s love relationship with Father Wladislao “is a historical fact that should not be analyzed in an anachronistic way and must be analyzed in the context of her time , all the focus was on the decisions she made, because they said, I had an easy life in the city of Buenos Aires, it was pure political opportunism by the ruling class. They unanimously demand such tragic measures, which are, of course, absolutely terrible for us, but I insist that we cannot analyze history in an anachronistic way. Yes, maybe, save Manuelita Rosas. The image of her as Camilla’s friend, interceding for her until the last moment.

In which drawer would Camilla be?

When the task in the vault is completed, we know: It was not easy to determine which drawer or urn Camilla O’Gorman’s remains were in. There is much to analyze beneath the cellar.

One possibility is a DNA study of the remains. as it explains Carolina Cordero was involved in the identification of the remains of ex-combatants in the Malvinas Islands, “The best thing to analyze is a sample that you compare with your immediate family: father, mother, siblings, cousins. Then, as the generations go by, it starts to seriously deteriorate. You have to find people with clean or uninfected Contaminated genetic material such as DNA from teeth or femurs. Additionally, Camilla has no offspring.

But nonetheless, he points out, there are a few things that can make identification easier: “If the bones were there, there would be traces of when Camilla was shot.”

All in all, Pilar came to an optimistic conclusion: “We have been waiting for this to happen for a long time. We expected this result, considering that so many years have passed and Camila would be difficult to recognize in the coffin. but Being able to open the mausoleum and allow it to begin its restoration is a great step, “In defense of Camilla and Uladislao.” This is the first step in transforming Camilia’s grave into a historical heritage.

Who produced the movie “Carmilla”?

The director of the movie “Camilla” is Maria Luisa Benberg. Released in 1984, it is a historical and dramatic Argentinian film. The film stars Susu Pecoraro, Imano Arias y Hector Alterio.

Imano Arias and Susu Pecoraro.Imano Arias and Susu Pecoraro.

additional details

  • The screenwriter of this movie is Maria Luisa Benberg, Beda docampo feijoa y Juan Bautista Stagnaro.
  • This video is produced by Rita Stantic.
  • The film was nominated Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film 1985.
  • The film won the award Best Actress at Havana International New Latin American Film Festival 1985.

#opened #vaults #Camila #OGorman #forbidden #love #touched #Argentina



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