Summer weather affects air conditioning sales – Delta Limburg

July 30, 2024 – The summer of 2024 will be unusually wet and cool. Instead of the usual heat waves, this year we will experience persistent rain showers and moderate temperatures. Last year, even the wettest year ever recorded. This weather pattern has a significant impact on the sales of air conditioners in the Netherlands. Although the number of air conditioners sold is lower than in previous summers, the demand still exists under certain conditions. How do the weather, perceived temperature, humidity and nights affect our need for air conditioners?

Unusual weather picture

This year, the Netherlands is experiencing a summer full of rain and cool days. The temperature during the day often stays around a pleasant 20 degrees Celsius, but the high humidity makes for a different feeling. Humid air makes it harder for sweat to evaporate, making it feel warmer than it actually is. This effect is also amplified by the lack of sunshine, which makes it harder for buildings and houses to heat up and dry. This can make it feel stuffy and uncomfortable inside, despite the cool outside temperatures.

In addition, the constant rain can cause increased humidity indoors, which can lead to condensation on windows and walls, and even mold formation if there is insufficient ventilation. The south of the Netherlands in particular suffers a lot from this due to the continuous rain. The reason why people now have a air conditioning in Maastricht In these cases, buying is not the temperature, but rather creating a healthy and dry indoor climate. An air conditioner can reduce humidity just as well, or perhaps even better than a dehumidifier, while keeping the temperature pleasant.

How Summer 2024 Will Affect Our Sleep and Productivity

Another important aspect of this unusual summer is the nighttime temperature. Even when the temperature drops at night, humidity often remains high. Studies have shown that high humidity can disrupt the way we sleep. When humidity is high, people wake up more often during the night and spend less time in REM sleep. REM sleep is a deep sleep phase that is important for our memory and emotions. Therefore, getting less REM sleep can be bad for your overall health and well-being.

Lack of quality sleep has direct consequences for your mood and productivity. When you wake up frequently during the night and do not sleep deeply enough, you feel tired and irritable during the day. This can lead to poor concentration and poorer performance at work or school. People who sleep poorly often have difficulty focusing, make mistakes more easily and are less efficient in their tasks. In addition, persistent poor sleep can lead to chronic stress and an increased risk of mental health problems such as anxiety and depression.

Other factors that influence the demand for air conditioning:

The uncertainty surrounding the future of the net metering scheme has influenced consumer decisions, particularly when considering major energy consumers such as air conditioners. Although the scheme will remain in place for the time being, the discussions and potential changes have caused uncertainty for households with solar panels. This uncertainty may have led to people being reluctant to purchase energy-intensive air conditioners, for fear of getting less benefit from their self-generated energy.

In addition, energy prices have risen sharply in recent years, which makes many people uncertain about the future. Because of these high prices, many people think twice before buying a major energy consumer such as an air conditioner. They are afraid that their energy bill will increase even more. This uncertainty makes people think carefully about their purchases and look for energy-efficient devices that cost less and still offer comfort.

Future perspective

Although demand for air conditioners is lower this year due to the unusual summer weather, this trend is not expected to continue. Future summers may bring hot temperatures again, and the need for a comfortable indoor climate will continue. If you are considering purchasing an air conditioner, it is therefore wise to pay attention to the right time to buy. Prices are often lower outside of the peak season, so consider buying an air conditioner in the fall or winter when demand is lower. This is also the period when there are more promotions and discounts at many retailers.

In addition, you need to consider the installation. During peak summer months, installers can have a long waiting time. By planning your purchase and installation in the quieter months, you can often get help faster and benefit from better prices. It is therefore wise to think ahead and buy and have your air conditioning installed well before the hot summers, so that you are optimally prepared for the future.



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