What’s driving MercadoLibre’s strong rally on Wall Street: Climbs to 8%

2024-08-02 14:46:56

free market, Latin American e-commerce giant released on August 1 result corresponds to second quarter of this year. The company’s data is very reliable, Revenue significantly exceeded market expectations (totaling $5,073 (42% year-over-year increase)) (versus analyst consensus of $4.7 billion) Earnings per share (EPS) also managed to beat forecasts. he Bisphenol A The company founded by Marcos Galperín is $10.48 (+100.7% i/y) when estimated at $8.72

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Furthermore, it highlights the important Revenue growth (+42.0% year-on-year), of Total payment volume (up 36% year-on-year), Reaching US$46,300MM, gross product (+20%), Total $12,600MM. In the end, operating income reached US$726MM, with an operating profit margin of 14.3%. In terms of net profit, it reached the highest level since the first quarter of 2017, totaling 10.5%.

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this season From April to June, MercadoLibre Total merchandise transactions reached US$12.6 billiony Sales of goods increased by 29.5% compared with the same period last year. In this sense, among some of the aspects that explain good performance in the e-commerce sector, Mexico and Brazil have the most outstanding growth rates, with growth rates of 34% and 30% respectively. Although Argentina’s total production and sales did not growRevenues in the region grew again after falling 22% in the previous quarter.

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As for your logisticsfree market Shipments in the second quarter of 2024 were 416 million pieces, an increase of 30% compared with the same period last year. While the segment’s costs increased approximately 50 basis points annually, this was due to strategic investments and MELI+ charges. On a quarter-on-quarter basis, productivity improved in Brazil, Mexico, Argentina and Colombia.

on the other handFinancial technology field To remain stable and maintain a sustained growth rate, this situation will change from total payment (TPV is its English abbreviation), An increase of 36% compared with the same period last year. From the company itself They emphasized that their monthly active users have exceeded 50 million, Represents a record number. Meanwhile, total assets under management (AUM) totaled $4.9 billion. It is worth highlighting that the company is applying to obtain a banking license in Mexico, which will allow it to gradually expand the scale of its operations in the country.

Cash generated from operations was strong again during the quarter, totaling $875 million. $184MM for capital investments (CAPEX) to continue improving its distribution and logistics network. Ratings agency Standard & Poor’s gave the company a positive rating in June due to strong cash flow and low leverage.

If we annualize earnings per share, MELI’s forward P/E ratio is about 42 times. Given the company’s exponential growth, the potential of Mexico’s fintech sector if its banking license is approved, and the widespread adoption of its cards in Mexico and Brazil, Its valuation ratios don’t appear to be overstated.

* IOL Investment Online Investment Strategy Manager

#Whats #driving #MercadoLibres #strong #rally #Wall #Street #Climbs



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