“By mid-August…” –

The heat does not let go. For days now, thermometers have been recording nothing but high values. But until when? What should we expect from the end of July and the beginning of August? At the moment, an anticyclone of African origin is dominating. “The alert continues to rise and the number of cities with the red dot is increasing, the indicator of the bulletin on heat waves from the Ministry of Health that certifies the maximum level of heat risk for the entire population. On Tuesday, the maximum level of risk will be recorded in Bologna, Bolzano, Brescia, Florence, Frosinone, Latina, Milan, Palermo, Perugia, Rieti, Naples, Rome and Turin, while Campobasso will return to yellow. On Wednesday, the red dot will be in Bologna, Bolzano, Brescia, Florence, Frosinone, Latina, Milan, Perugia, Rieti, Rome, Turin and Viterbo”, the experts of the ilmeteo.itwho updated readers on the site on the latest forecasts.

Other meteorologists crushed. Sottocorona's weather-broadcast live

There is no good news for those who were hoping to welcome a breeze. The heat, in fact, will not recede any time soon and, indeed, will increase “by mid-August”. Of course, there will be stormy breaks. They are expected for the days of Wednesday 31 July and Friday 2 August. The sun, however, will prevail over much of the Italian territory. Temperatures will rise not only during the day, but also at night. “There will also be the famous tropical nights considered as such when the minimum temperatures fail to fall below the threshold of 20 ° C for several days”, the meteorologists warned. What is most anomalous – they explained – is that there is no way to identify the date of an end or, at least, a truce. “We expect a further pulsation of the African anticyclone in view of mid-August (from 10 August onwards)”, they reiterated.

#midAugust.. #Tempo
2024-08-02 12:02:01



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