“Ahead of schedule”. When and where storms return –

“Ahead of schedule”. When and where storms return –

Summer soon on hold? Some people, perhaps, wouldn’t mind. According to the latest projections of the forecast models, rain could soon return to some regions of Italy. These are the words of Colonel Mario Giuliacci. “Until yesterday, the date for the return of rain to the plains was Friday, August 2. The fresh and unstable Atlantic currents should have burst into the North accompanied by numerous storms and a widespread drop in temperatures, while between Wednesday, July 31 and Thursday, August 1, only moderate instability was expected on the Alpine Arc”, the expert recalled on meteogiuliacci.it. There is, however, a new development. According to the latest updates, in fact, “as early as Wednesday 31 July, the most unstable air of Atlantic origin could break through to the Po Valley, thus bringing thunderstorms not only to the Alps, but also to the plains of Piedmont, Lombardy, Veneto and Friuli”.

“Ahead of schedule”. When and where storms return –

But we must not fool ourselves. The instability will not take away the heat. After a quick break, expected for Thursday, August 1, “a more decisive thrust of the fresh and unstable Atlantic currents is expected for the last part of the week”, continued the meteorologist. On Friday, August 2, “numerous thunderstorms will form which, in the second part of the day, will bathe practically all the northern regions here and there”, explained Giuliacci. Then, on Saturday, August 3, the currents will manage to reach the central regions “with the formation of some thunderstorms in the Apennine areas, and above all a partial attenuation of the great heat, thanks to a slight drop in temperatures”, he concluded. No changes in the South.

#Ahead #schedule #storms #return #Tempo
2024-08-02 08:24:59

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