Prosecutor Gertz Manero raises his salary: he will earn more than AMLO

Prosecutor Gertz Manero raises his salary: he will earn more than AMLO

Alejandro Gertz Manerohead of the Attorney General’s Office (FGR), will go from earning 182,726 to 190,035 pesos per month, after authorizing a salary increase for himself and all workers in that agency.

The update of the prosecutor’s salary came into effect today, July 23, after yesterday’s announcement published in the Official Journal of the Federation (DOF).

In February of this year, the Prosecutor’s Office announced an agreement in which it disclosed the manual that regulates the remuneration of the workers of the General Prosecutor of the Republic by 2024. At that time, the monthly salary of the prosecutor was set at 182 thousand 726 pesos.

However, four months later, the DOF published the “salary increase authorized by the Attorney General of the Republic” and with it the update of the manual. “Articles 21, section I, and 26 are amended, likewise, annexes 2, 3 and 6 of the ‘Manual that regulates the remuneration of public servants in the service of the Attorney General’s Office of the Republic for the fiscal year 2024’ are modified,” the document reads.

Salary increase in the FGR

The Prosecutor’s Office justified that the increase is aligned with the wage policies adopted by the Mexican State “for trusted personnel in fiscal year 2024, which is why an update of the amounts of Wages and salaries established in the table, as well as the amounts of economic benefits for the institution’s staff.”

The agreement specifies that both trusted and base operatives will also receive a salary increase and benefits such as transportation assistance, multiple social security, service assistance and compensation for development and training.

The amounts for each of the benefits are as follows:

  • Transportation assistance: 1,120 pesos per month.
  • Multiple social security: 985 pesos per month.
  • Service assistance: 925 pesos per month.
  • Compensation for development and training: 2,200 pesos per month.

Although the agreement was published this month, its application will be retroactive “to January 1 of the current fiscal year.”

How much does Alejandro Gertz Manero earn?

In the case of the prosecutor, the assigned base salary is 42,636 pesos, plus a compensation “for special services” of 147,399 pesos. This implies that the increase is 7,309 pesos more each month and 87,708 pesos more per year. The document also assigns him a major medical expenses insurance and a food payment of 1,515 pesos.

In addition, there are 64 positions in the FGR with gross salaries of more than 100 thousand pesos. These are special prosecutors, the head of the Criminal Investigation Agency, heads of administrative areas and the main public ministries.

Prosecutor Gertz Manero raises his salary: he will earn more than AMLO
Salary table of the Attorney General’s Office

How much does President AMLO earn?

With this, Gertz Manero becomes one of the officials who receives a higher salary than the one received by the President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, who, according to the 2024 Federal Expenditure Budget, has a monthly salary of 184 thousand pesos per month this year.

Read. Lies and inaccurate data from AMLO and Morena on judicial reform

It is worth mentioning that according to the president himself, earning more than him is illegal, since there is a law that establishes that no public official should receive a salary greater than than that of the head of the Executive. It is based on this same argument that López Obrador has repeatedly criticized the ministers and other workers of the judiciary.

Section II of Article 127 of the Constitution establishes that “no public servant may receive remuneration for the performance of his or her duties greater than that established for the President of the Republic.”

Gertz Manero’s health status

On the other hand, since last year the prosecutor’s public appearances have been limited. In January 2023, there were reports that he was being treated for cancer in the United States. However, the President reported that it was spinal surgery and that he was fine and working at home. In February of this year, he participated in the Trilateral Committee to Combat Drug Trafficking and Arms Trafficking at the National Palace.

Read. Gertz Manero is at home and working, AMLO confirms

#Prosecutor #Gertz #Manero #raises #salary #earn #AMLO
2024-08-02 08:04:53



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