Environmental minga is held in Capiatá neighborhoods

Environmental minga is held in Capiatá neighborhoods

Asuncion, IP Agency.- Given the high level of dengue cases registered in the Capiatá district, the local municipality promoted the environmental minga, with support from the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (Mades), SENEPA, the National Police, the Armed Forces, the Ministry of Public Health and the Government of the Central department.
This operation, part of the fight against dengue, involved residents of the Aratiri neighborhood, as well as the city’s vital forces, extending to other areas of Capiatá. The inter-institutional work day began in the Plaza Sagrada Familia, in the aforementioned Capiatá neighborhood.

Residents were urged to check and eliminate potential breeding sites in their homes, as well as to join forces to continue fighting the proliferation of Aedes Aegytis, the mosquito that transmits Dengue, Zika and Chikungunya.

A similar procedure is planned for other districts, provided that each municipality can request inter-institutional reinforcement, since they are the ones that must present an environmental contingency plan.

Likewise, MADES, through the General Directorate of Environmental Management, provided the municipality with separate containers for the implementation of the Integrated Urban Solid Waste Management plan in the institution, to promote the correct separation of waste and contribute to good environmental practices.

#Environmental #minga #held #Capiatá #neighborhoods
2024-08-02 07:34:04

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