Strike threat within the Ministry of Water and Forests for non-payment of the performance bonus –

Agents of the Ministry of Water and Forests gathered within SYNAPEF protesting within their Ministry against the non-payment of their performance bonus on August 1 in Libreville ©

The agents of the Ministry of Water and Forests gathered within the National Union of Water and Forest Professionals (SYNAPEF), at the end of a general assembly held on Thursday, August 1, 2024 in Libreville, threatened to go on an unlimited general strike if their boss, General Maurice Ntossui Allogo, continually refused to pay the performance bonus.

“We will file an 8-day strike notice tomorrow as required by law.”, declared at the end of the AGM, Serge Roland Pambou, president of SYNAPEF.

The said premium is paid every quarter. The agents are in arrears three times. Recently a commission was set up to proceed with the immediate payment of the due date of the 4thth quarter 2023. The allocated envelope is 750 million FCFA. SYNAPEF deplores the fact that 40% of this amount, i.e. 300 million, was directed to another purpose.

“According to the law, this money is reserved for bonuses, it is not for operations or investment. This means that the Minister took 40% of this money and we do not know what he is doing with it,” he lashed out.

During the general meeting, the social partners deplored the fact that the Minister of Water and Forests has not deigned to receive them since his arrival at the head of this department 11 months ago.

For Serge Roland Pambou, “the current Minister is even worse than the former Minister Lee White; at least he listened to us, he received us, even if we fought.”

In addition to the strike notice, SYNAPEF promised to contact in writing the President of the Republic, General Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema, Prime Minister Raymond Ndong Sima and other authorities.

Camille Boussoughou

2024-08-01 17:20:07
#Strike #threat #Ministry #Water #Forests #nonpayment #performance #bonus



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