7 Quick Ways to Increase Your E-Commerce Conversion Rates – Blog Economie Numérique

2024-08-01 11:30:15

E-commerce has been booming over the past decade, especially as more and more people gain access to the internet and extremely affordable smartphones. While the number of online shoppers has increased significantly, so has competition, meaning it’s more important than ever to beat your competitors if you want to achieve a positive return on investment (ROI).

In this article, we’ll explore some strategies to help you make the most of your advertising budget and increase your conversion rates.

1- Optimize your website loading speed

With human attention spans shortening every year and online shoppers expecting faster load times, if your website pages take more than a few seconds to load, it can be a significant hindrance to your marketing efforts.

Research has found that for every extra second of reload time, conversion rates drop by 2.11%. Therefore, it’s crucial to work with your web development team to make the necessary optimizations to increase page load speed.

SEO experts also know that improving your page speed may improve your ranking on Google! This is a two-pronged approach. First, you can use Google tools pagespeed.web.dev Get a speed optimization report for your website.

2- Use the magic marketing word: Free!

Everyone loves getting stuff for free, right? Have you tried free shipping? If not, you should give it a try! Many case studies have shown that offering free shipping can have a huge impact on your conversion rate.

If possible, include average shipping costs in your product price to cover your expenses. If you can’t offer free shipping, consider offering a free gift or a “buy 2, get 1 free” deal.

There are many ways to offer free rewards. It’s a great strategy for attracting new customers and keeping existing ones loyal. Try different options, taking into account the financial costs, to find the one that resonates best with your target audience.

3- Make sure your ad and landing page match

Imagine you’re browsing on Facebook and you see a blue jacket that looks perfect. You click on the ad and pull out your credit card to make the purchase. But once you get to the page, you can’t find the jacket you saw in the ad. Disappointed? You click away and vow never to buy anything from that site again.

Unfortunately, this happens all too often when the product being advertised is not the same as the product on the landing page.

Not only does this deceive your potential buyers and damage your brand, but platforms like Facebook and Google track user behavior on your site. If they detect a high bounce rate (people entering your site and immediately exiting without taking any action), your ads will most likely be penalized and you’ll end up facing higher advertising costs.

4- Make the checkout process smooth

Shopping cart abandonment is one of the toughest challenges online store owners face. Nothing is more disappointing than seeing a potential customer click on your ad, click Add to Cart, and then abandon their purchase. Here are some tips to avoid this:

  • Minimize the number of pages required to order products
  • Don’t ask too much information about your potential customers, just the most necessary information, such as name, address, and credit card information.
  • Be clearly informed upfront about the total cost of the purchase to avoid any hidden fees during the inspection process.
  • Avoid requiring people to create an account in order to make a purchase.

5- Make sure your website is mobile friendly

It’s no secret that smartphones are by far the most commonly used device for surfing the internet and shopping online. In fact, 70% of all online purchases are made via mobile phones.

While websites are inherently optimized for desktop screens. But in today’s age, your website must also adapt its design to the small screens of smartphones and be responsive. This will improve the user experience by reducing any difficulties in navigating the website, such as zooming in and out and scrolling from right to left to find specific information.

Google is moving to mobile-first indexing, which means it’ll prioritize sites that are optimized for mobile devices by default. So improving your mobile responsiveness will not only increase your conversion rate, but it’ll also improve your rankings!

6- Use high-quality product photos to reduce purchase objections

Using high-quality product images may seem like a no-brainer for e-commerce owners. However, you’d be surprised how many online stores still fail to follow this basic rule.

As an e-commerce manager, it’s your job to eliminate any objections to purchase that potential buyers may have, such as not being able to touch or get a close look at the product. High-resolution images will better represent the quality of the product, especially when taken from multiple angles.

Make sure the images have a zoom feature so that users can zoom in on a specific point and see the product in detail. If possible, also try to use a video walkthrough of the product as it has been proven to increase conversion rates.

7- Provide social proof from existing customers

People trust other people. That’s the key idea behind having customer reviews on your website. In fact, 92% of online shoppers read customer reviews before deciding to buy a product.

It’s more reassuring to have someone tell you how great a product is than it is for the brand to tell you themselves. That’s why it’s important to include customer reviews on your product pages, whether they’re comments or casual videos.

People don’t want to be the only ones using a product, and if you show them that many other customers are using and enjoying the product, it helps build trust.

in conclusion

As more and more businesses abandon brick-and-mortar stores for the online jungle, now is the time to analyze every step of the purchasing process and make it as painless as possible. Implementing these quick wins while delivering products your customers want is critical to the success of your eCommerce business.

Samir Solay

M2 Digital Economy Law – 2023/2024


  1. 11 Website page loading time statistics [+ How to Increase Conversion Rate]
  2. 17 e-commerce conversion tips to double your conversion rate
  3. 30 eCommerce conversion rate optimization steps to increase sales
  4. 26 Ways to Increase Your E-Commerce Conversion Rates

About Samir Solay

Digital Marketing Expert with 5 years of experience in SEO, e-commerce, Facebook advertising and web analytics. I am currently studying the Master 2 in E-commerce at the University of Strasbourg.

#Quick #Ways #Increase #ECommerce #Conversion #Rates #Blog #Economie #Numérique



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