Partial Colectomy: Postoperative Dietary Recommendations

2024-07-31 13:30:00

The main function of the colon – also known as the large intestine – Absorbs water from the stool, reducing the liquid content of the stool. If you have a colectomy, it is recommended to adjust your diet on the first days after surgery…

Partial colon ablation: What are we talking about? Under what circumstances should it be considered?

Colectomy (or Colectomy) Involves removing part of the colon. The colon is made up of five segments: the cecum, the ascending colon (or right colon), the transverse colon, the descending colon (or left colon), and the sigmoid colon (which connects the colon to the rectum).

Removal of parts of the colon may be considered, including:

Colon cancer; when cancer cells are detected during a colonoscopy. If the risk of developing cancer is high, your doctor may recommend removing this part of the colon as a precaution against chronic inflammatory bowel disease: ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease that damages the colon; if diverticulitis recurs; if the intestines are blocked; Condition.

What does a colectomy involve?

A partial colectomy As the name suggests, it includes Removal of part of the colon. After ablation, the surgeon joins the healthy sides. When the tissue is too inflamed and the anastomosis (the connection between two sections of the colon) is at risk of not healing, an ileostomy may be performed to connect the wall of the ileum (the end of the small intestine that leads to the large intestine) to the abdominal wall, with a pouch outside the body that collects stool. ” Ileostomy can be temporary or permanent », specifies Raphaël Gruman, nutritionist. The purpose of an ostomy is to divert feces so that part of the intestines can rest and promote healing.

most of the time, Colectomy is performed laparoscopically, A minimally invasive surgical technique that allows cameras and instruments to be introduced into the abdomen through small incisions.

When can I eat after colon surgery?

Generally, patients can resume eating and drinking the day after surgery, starting with alcohol and then gradually reintroducing solid foods.

What should I eat after colon surgery? What are the risks?

Colectomy requires changes in your diet.

During the first few days, it is recommended to follow a residue-free diet. Raphaël Gruman, nutritionist and nutritionist.

And added: ” You should avoid all foods that may cause diarrhea and severe bloating, especially fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and breads. Authorization only: fwhite organic matter, That means pasta and white rice (not whole wheat), potatoes without skinthis animal protein (meat, fish, eggs), certain dairy products, and unfermented hard cheese (Gruyere). If we reintroduce fiber too quickly, it can ferment and cause bloating and diarrhea. » And added: ” Additionally, large amounts of gas in the intestines (bloating) can strain the scar, which is undesirable. »

What foods should you avoid after colon surgery?

After partial colectomy, Your surgeon may ask youAvoid certain foods for a few days, time for the colon to heal and everything to return to normal. ” Generally speaking, Residue-free diet It begins in the hospital and lasts for several days. Then, depending on the intervention, the age of the patient, and their tolerance, we will gradually reintroduce fiber. In the beginning, we preferred cooked fruits and vegetables: baked apples, ripe crushed bananas, cooked carrots, etc. You should avoid hard fibers like tomato skins and seeds, beans, lentils or chickpeas, nuts and seeds (dried fruits), spicy foods, etc. »

suite, Raw fruits and vegetables can be gradually reintroduced in small amounts, depending on patient tolerance, Before switching to whole grains. objective? Don’t rush your digestive system! ” Generally speaking, it is entirely possible to return to a normal diet after a partial colectomy” said the expert. On the other hand, if the surgeon creates a stoma, the fiber supply must be tightly controlled as long as the stoma is there to avoid pocket accidents. In fact, if colonic fermentation becomes too pronounced, the ostomy bag may rupture. » For these patients, dietary modifications must be made during the ostomy period. “Dietary monitoring must be close to the patient so that they do not suffer from malnutrition while still maintaining a certain level of comfort. »

Diarrhea and Constipation: How to restore good intestinal transit?

To limit digestive problems, it is recommended to follow your doctor’s dietary recommendations after surgery. « Diarrhea or constipation: Transportation disorders are common after colectomy, this is normal and the body must adaptRaphael Grumman is assured. If you suffer from constipation, you can try introducing more fiber into your diet, especially by drinking at least 1.5 liters of water per day. Hydration is important so that stool remains well hydrated, doesn’t become overly dry, and passes easily through the colon. If necessary, if constipation occurs, you can add to the diet psyllium, a soluble fiber that has a bulking effect and makes bowel movements progress faster. »

What should I do to lose weight?

Have you lost weight after colectomy? Generally speaking, This condition will be corrected quickly when you return to your normal diet. If necessary, consultation with a nutritionist will adjust the diet and check for deficiencies…

#Partial #Colectomy #Postoperative #Dietary #Recommendations



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