Alarm in Tuscany due to massive fish mortality

A total of 200 tons of eels and other fish died in three days, Italian media reported. An unusually large number of fish came to the surface and died after hours of suffering. The fishermen complained of damages running into the millions. The high water temperature in the lagoon, which has reached a record high of 35 degrees in recent days, is blamed for the fish deaths. These are currently the highest temperatures in the entire Mediterranean, it was said.

A lack of water exchange in an almost closed system and the growth of algae caused the oxygen level to drop to zero. Fishermen tried to pump cool water into the lagoon, but this measure was not enough to stop the fish dying. The fish die-off also affected blue crabs, which have recently become a growing problem for fishermen because they eat clams and other smaller fish.

Tons of fish carcasses, foul stench

Tons of fish carcasses had to be disposed of in Orbetello. There are concerns that the rotting carcasses could lead to a sanitary emergency at the height of the tourist season. The mayor of Orbetello called for measures to support the affected fishermen. Tourism professionals are worried about the weeks of August. Restaurant and bar owners are already complaining of heavy losses because customers are avoiding eating in the establishments near the sea because of the stench.

The authorities are now asking the government in Rome for help. The President of the Tuscany region, Enrico Giani, wants to declare a state of emergency: This will enable measures to be taken to support the affected fishermen.



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