Lithuanians take risks due to lower prices: in which countries are they looking for cheaper cars? | Business

However, a study by data company carVertical found that the majority of cars entering the country were damaged, suggesting that drivers are opting for cheap but not necessarily good cars.

It is interesting not only to repair, but also with reduced mileage

The fact that the used cars that the country’s drivers are interested in have been involved in traffic accidents is not yet the biggest problem, according to car market expert, carVertical communications manager Mats Buzelis. It is a surprising fact that a significant part of all vehicles imported into Lithuania had signs of falsified mileage.

carVertical photo/Part of cars with falsified mileage in 2024 the first half of the year

“Lithuanians’ interest in cars that are not in the best condition allows us to assume that the price is a more important priority for buyers than the condition of the vehicle. When choosing cars that have previously suffered major damage or even had falsified mileage, buyers can create the illusion that they have managed to find an attractive offer, but usually this saving ends at the first serious breakdown”, says Matas Buzelis.

As the largest exporter of used cars, Germany is far from being the land of neat and well-maintained cars, according to carVertical data. Every tenth (10.2%) car imported from Germany in the first half of this year had a fake mileage, and even nine out of ten (90.1%) had been damaged in the past.

The expert suggests paying attention to the fact that the absolute majority of cars with falsified mileage are already imported after correcting the odometer data – mileage is falsified in Lithuania several times less often than when the car is already registered in the country. For example, of all cars imported from the Netherlands in the first half of this year, as much as 7.4 percent. arrived in the country already with a falsified mileage, while in Lithuania the mileage was adjusted much less often for cars that came from this country – only 1.3 percent. cars.

The oldest ones are transported from Italy

According to the average age of imported used cars, the newest vehicles came from the Netherlands (average age – 10.6 years) and the USA (10.7 years). The average age of the vehicles coming from France was almost 14 years, and those from Germany were almost half a year older.

Lithuanians chose the oldest cars in Italy in the first half of this year – the average age of vehicles imported from this country reached 16.4 years.

“Due to better climate conditions, Lithuanians in Italy are looking for slightly older cars with better-maintained bodies. Also, our data shows that only a little more than a third (37%) of cars imported from Italy have historical records of previous damage, and although according to this parameter Italy led the top five popular import destinations, we still face the problem of slower digitization here.” – says M. Buzelis.

According to carVertical’s head of communications, a significant portion of older car damage records are not digitized, so he always recommends checking the condition of imported cars at a reputable repair shop. In addition, out of all vehicles checked by Lithuanians on the platform with Italian history, as many as 14.8 percent. had a falsified mileage, and slightly less than 3 percent. the odometer readings of cars that came from this country and were registered in Lithuania were changed in the local market.

The focus is on using BMW

The fact that BMW is a sought-after brand in Lithuania is also reflected by “carVertical” data on cars imported from Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, the USA and France. The models of this brand make up a very significant part of the popular used car import destinations.

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2024-08-01 23:12:00



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