Wiretapping: The Union of Prosecutors counterattacks: “No” to manipulation – Criticism of the Judiciary is off limits” 2024-08-01 21:42:49

The Union of Prosecutors of Greece responds – without being explicitly mentioned – to the disparaging comments (such as “rag paper”) made by some politicians and the media regarding the decision of the Supreme Court’s prosecution regarding the wiretapping findings.

The Union of Prosecutors of Greece assures that prosecutors carry out their duties with absolute conscientiousness and notes that criticism of judicial decisions is imperative, but without exceeding the measure of decent speech and, above all, “without seeking, directly or indirectly, the their manipulation”.

“On the occasion of statements by political figures and publications, which in a disparaging manner are directed against Prosecutors for their procedural actions and their judgment on the merits, in a case of an exceptional nature and of major importance, the Association of Prosecutors of Greece emphasizes that the legitimate criticism of judicial decisions and prosecutorial judgments is mandatory, but this must be done in a way that does not exceed any measure of decent public discourse, with respect for the personality and independence of the Justice Officers and without seeking, directly or indirectly, to manipulate them.

The Union of Prosecutors of Greece assures that Prosecutors perform their duties with absolute conscientiousness, when handling each case they act in accordance with the law and their conscience, based on the evidence, and are not manipulated, nor influenced by direct or indirect threats and pressures from whatever source they come from.

Impressive move by the opposition: They demand that Adeline give an explanation to the Institutions Committee

The opposition parties filed a request to convene the Institutions Committee of the Parliament and to forward the findings of the surveillance by the prosecutor of the Supreme Court to it.

The whole process was initiated by Zoi Konstantopoulou, who informed the House of her proposal from the floor of the Plenary. The KKE, however, has already submitted a separate request.

“After my proposal to the plenary session to convene the institutions and to transmit the conclusion, the evidence of the case file, the testimonies and any evidence, unanimous support was expressed in the plenary session. After the public statements, I personally contacted the leaders of the 4 opposition parties and they all agreed that it is of the utmost importance that it convenes and examines the scandal. Requests are currently being submitted by 5 KOs in order for the committee to be convened and the conclusion to be forwarded,” said Mrs. Konstantopoulou in her statements, and added: “Mrs. Adeline should be called before the committee and be examined by members of the committee.”

However, to convene the Committee on Institutions and Transparency is not such an easy task, besides the fact that the Parliament stops its work for the summer holidays, so any discussion is expected to start from the end of next month.

And in essence, however, issues arise regarding the institutional functioning of the Parliament as, according to information from the majority, the Rules of Procedure of the Parliament enable the Institutions Committee with a 2/5 majority to file a request to invite a judicial officer to it, but only for operational issues of Justice or transparency.

In other words, it does not seem that in this case the essential conditions for the summons of Mrs. Adelini are met. By extension, the Institutions and Transparency Committee cannot request the conclusion with the 2/5 procedure, if it is not a majority initiative.

In a statement, SYRIZA states:

SYRIZA PS submitted a request for the convening of an extraordinary meeting of the Institutions and Transparency Committee, based on article 43A of the Rules of Procedure of the Parliament, requesting that the Prosecutor of the Supreme Court, Ms. Georgia Adelini, as well as the Deputy Prosecutor of the Supreme Court, Mr. Achilleas Zisis, be summoned in order to inform the opposition parties, but also to provide the members of the Commission with the entire case file of the wiretapping scandal, for which the relevant order of the Prosecutor of the Supreme Court was issued “on archiving the case of wiretapping” and certainly among the documents thereof

The multi-page (300 pages) opinion of the Deputy Prosecutor of the Supreme Court, Mr. Achilleas Zisi, who conducted the preliminary examination.

The relevant order of the Prosecutor of the Supreme Court on “filing the case”.
The findings of the Independent Authorities and the other bodies mentioned in the announcement of the Prosecutor of the Supreme Court, Ms. Georgia Adelini.

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#Wiretapping #Union #Prosecutors #counterattacks #manipulation #Criticism #Judiciary #limits



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