Italy: Life sentence for mother who abandoned her baby and died – 2024-08-01 21:26:48

The case of the mother from Milan, Italy, who abandoned her 18-month-old baby inside the house, where the baby died a tragic death, is shocking.

Alessia Piferi was sentenced today (13.05.2024) to life imprisonment by the court of Milan for the criminal abandonment of her daughter, which caused the death of the baby, who was only eighteen months old. Little Diana died on July 18, 2022 in her bed. Her mother had left her alone for a week, with only a bottle and a bottle of water.

Magistrates ruled out that Piffery committed the crime with premeditation, but found that she had left little Diana alone on other occasions, at least for forty-eight hours at weekends, to meet a man with whom she was in a relationship.

At the same time, the Italian judiciary ruled that the thirty-eight-year-old woman does not suffer from a psychotic syndrome, but that she “grew up with a complete lack of moral and educational points of reference.” At an early age she suffered sexual harassment, did not complete the compulsory course of schooling and never worked. “My daughter forgot she was a mother, she has to pay for what she did. If he had repented…but he didn’t,” the grandmother of the unfortunate Diana told reporters.

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