In May 2026, Marvel’s latest film, Avengers: Doomsday, will hit theaters. The film is intended to distract from the recent problems surrounding Jonathan Majors, the actor who plays Kang. The cast is joined by Robert Downey Jr., the actor who launched the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) in 2008 with his role as Iron Man.
This time, however, we will not see him as Tony Stark. Robert Downey Jr. will take on the role of Doctor Doom.
Why is Robert Downey Jr. returning to ‘Avengers’?
Robert Downey Jr. will play Doctor Doom, a notorious Fantastic Four antagonist who believes himself to be the smartest man on Earth. It is currently unknown whether Tony Stark’s character will be involved in the story in any way. Given that the plot revolves around the multiverse, anything is possible.
The Russo brothers, who directed Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame, will direct the two upcoming Avengers films. Avengers: Doomsday will be released in May 2026, followed by Avengers: Secret Wars a year later.
Will Downey Jr.’s return and the involvement of the Russo brothers save the MCU from completely falling out of the pop culture zeitgeist? We’ll find out in 2026.
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