LINE Manga Launches Beta Test for Reward Program: New Guidelines and Application Conditions Announced

This agreement (hereinafter referred to as “this Agreement”) stipulates the terms regarding the application to the reward grant program beta test (hereinafter referred to as “this Project”) organized by LINE Digital Frontier Corporation (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) within the “LINE Manga” service (hereinafter referred to as “this Service”). The terms are established between the applicants (hereinafter referred to as “Applicants”) applying for this Project and the Company.

1. Agreement to the Terms
1.1. Applicants must apply for this Project in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. Applicants cannot apply for this Project unless they agree to this Agreement.
1.2. If the Applicant is a minor, they must obtain the consent of their legal guardian before applying for this Project. If the Applicant is applying on behalf of a business entity, that business entity must also agree to this Agreement and use this Service accordingly.

2. Scope of Application
In applying for this Project, in addition to this Agreement, the guidelines for “LINE Manga Indies” (hereinafter referred to as “the Guidelines”) and the ”
LINE Manga Terms of Use
” (hereinafter referred to as “the Terms of Use for this Service”, and together with the Guidelines, “the Terms of Use etc.”) also apply. In the event of any discrepancy between the contents of the Terms of Use etc. and this Agreement, this Agreement shall take precedence.

3. Changes to the Agreement
3.1. The Company may change this Agreement within the scope of its purpose if it deems necessary. In such cases, the Company will notify the Applicants of the content of the revised Agreement and the effective date by displaying it on this Service or the Company’s website, or by notifying them in a method prescribed by the Company. The revised Agreement will take effect from the effective date.
3.2. The Company will not individually notify Applicants of changes to this Agreement or the Terms of Use etc., so Applicants should check the latest terms and conditions on their own.

4. Application Conditions
4.1. Applicants can submit manga (only completed manuscripts; name sketches are not permitted) written by themselves as their application work to apply for this Project through “LINE Manga Indies.”
4.2. Once the Applicant agrees to this Agreement, they cannot cancel their application for this Project.
4.3. Applicants can apply for this Project only during the period in which the Company is hosting it, and in accordance with the method prescribed by the Company.
4.4. Applicants may not apply for this Project with works that have been commercialized for profit or that have already won awards or been recognized in other competitions or campaigns outside of this Project.
4.5. Applicants may simultaneously apply for this Project and other awards or campaigns with works that have not been commercialized for profit and that have not won awards in other projects, but if the work is commercialized for profit or wins an award in another project during the application for this Project, it will become ineligible for this Project starting from the month in which the fact of commercialization or award announcement occurs.
4.6. If the Applicant makes the submitted work private or deletes it after the submission month ending 23:59:59 (hereinafter referred to as “the application month end aggregation timing”) when the aggregation of indicators for each work begins, it will become ineligible for this Project. It is possible that there may be increases or decreases in the various indicators as detailed in 6.5. before the actual aggregation timing of each work. The Applicant agrees to this in advance and understands that it is difficult to provide the exact aggregation timing in advance.
4.7. The language for the application work for this Project shall be Japanese. Additionally, the Applicants for this Project must be residents of Japan.
4.8. The Company may specify other conditions necessary for applying for this Project.

5. Content of Application Works
5.1. Application works for this Project must be manga written by the Applicants themselves.
5.2. Applications containing content that violates laws or public order and morals, or content that slanders others, or any other content deemed inappropriate by the Company, as well as works that infringe on the intellectual property rights of third parties (including but not limited to copyright, moral rights, patent rights, trademark rights, design rights, utility model rights, trade secrets, honor rights, portrait rights, privacy rights, publicity rights, etc.), are prohibited.
5.3. Applicants represent and warrant that their application works do not infringe on the intellectual property rights of third parties and that they have the authority to grant the Company the rights to utilize the application work. If the Applicant violates this clause and claims, demands, or litigation (hereinafter referred to as “Claims, etc.”) are brought against them by a third party, the Applicant shall attend to such matters at their own responsibility and expense (including attorney’s fees). Furthermore, if the Company resolves such Claims, etc., the Applicant shall be responsible for all costs incurred in that resolution.
5.4. The Company may specify the content of the works that can be submitted.

6. Conditions for Granting Rewards
6.1. This Project is designed to grant rewards to Applicants based on performance indicators for each submitted work during one month (from the first day of each month to the aggregation timing at the end of the application month hereinafter referred to as “the application month”).
6.2. Each person can submit as many works as they want, but the rewards will only be granted for the single work with the highest total reward amount during the application month.
6.3. To apply for this Project, the submission must select “Participate” under the section titled ‘Reward Grant Program (Currently in Beta Test)’ on the work submission screen in this Service, and a story must be posted within the work. When the agree button on this application guideline screen is pressed, the Company will consider that the Applicant has agreed to all terms outlined in this application guideline.
6.4. At the aggregation timing at the end of the application month, the submitted work must have at least two new stories published during the application month. To continue receiving rewards, it is necessary to submit and publish at least two new stories each month.
6.5. Provided that the conditions stipulated in 6.4 are met, the rewards for each application month will be calculated based on the following three indicators:

Indicator 1: Monthly Reader Count

– Monthly reader count refers to the total number of unique readers for all stories in the submitted work during the application month.
– The monthly reader count will be counted as performance up to the aggregation timing at the end of the application month.
– Monthly reader count for submitted works can be checked from the access analysis on the work management screen since the end of November 2022.
– The reward amount shown in the figure includes tax amounts and withholding tax amounts.

Indicator 2: Number of Favorite Registrations

– The number of favorite registrations will be counted as performance up to the aggregation timing at the end of the application month.
– The number of favorite registrations for the submitted work can be checked from the access analysis on the work management screen since the end of November 2022.
– The reward amount shown in the figure includes tax amounts and withholding tax amounts.

Indicator 3: Webtoon Works
– If the submitted work is a “webtoon work” designed for vertical reading on smartphones in terms of visuals, direction, and panel arrangement, the grant amount (Indicator 1 + Indicator 2) will be doubled.
– Simple changes from horizontal reading settings to vertical reading settings of general panel scripts created for double-page or horizontal reading purposes will not be considered webtoon works.
– Webtoon works will be certified through visual manuscript review by the Company. Please understand that we cannot provide information regarding details of the certification or denial.

6.6. If the submitted work or story is made private by the administration due to violations of this Agreement, or if the work could not be viewed normally for other reasons on the Applicant’s side, or if the Company determines during the review that it goes against the purpose of this Project, it will be excluded from this Project.
6.7. In cases where the work becomes ineligible for this Project, no individual notifications will be made. Also, please understand that we cannot respond to inquiries regarding the reasons for exclusion.
6.8. The Company reserves the right to change the various indicators outlined in 6.5 without prior notice.

7. Process for Granting Rewards
7.1. The rewards will be granted through LINE Pay. It is necessary to pre-register for
LINE Pay usage
7.2. To those Applicants who are eligible to receive rewards, we will send an 안내 email for receiving rewards to the email address registered when registering as a writer on the 15th to 20th of the month following the application month.
7.3. Eligible Applicants must input their LINE Pay number, full name, address, and other necessary information through the form provided in the guidance email by the end of the month following the application month.
7.4. If the necessary information cannot be confirmed within the specified period, the eligible Applicant will lose their right to receive rewards. For any reasons, including inability to use LINE Pay or issues with the registered email address or undelivered guidance emails, we will not be able to accommodate any responses after the input deadline.
7.5. We will not individually contact those ineligible for rewards. Please understand that we cannot respond to any individual inquiries regarding this matter. The degree of achievement for various indicators can be checked on the work management screen.
7.6. If the information input in 7.3 is confirmed to be correct, the payment of rewards will be conducted between the 20th and 30th of the month following the application month.
7.7. The Company may attach conditions to the granting of rewards. If the Company determines that the conditions have not been met, regardless of whether notification of the reward granting procedure has been given or payments have been made, the Company may revoke the grant and demand the return of any previously granted rewards.

8. Rights Related to Application Works
8.1. The Applicants retain their intellectual property rights to the submitted works as before, and the Company does not acquire such rights.
8.2. By applying for this Project, Applicants grant the Company the non-exclusive, free, and unlimited right to use the submitted work for promotional and advertising purposes related to the Company, this Service, and this Project, without any restrictions on media, period, distribution area, or distribution method (including but not limited to reproduction, translation, adaptation, modification, public transmission, and sub-licensing these rights to third parties), and they will not exercise the moral rights of authors as stipulated in the Copyright Law against the Company and any third parties designated by the Company.

9. Privacy
9.1. The Company respects the privacy of the Applicants.
9.2. The Company pays utmost attention to information security to safely manage the information obtained from the Applicants.
9.3. The rewards for Applicants will be provided via LINE Pay. Therefore, the “LINE Pay number” and “the last four digits of the mobile phone number” obtained from Applicants will be provided to LINE Yahoo Corporation.
9.4. The personal information provided will only be used for communications regarding the rewards, identifying eligibility for rewards, and the grant payment process. The handling of other personal information will be governed by the ”
LINE Digital Frontier Privacy Policy

10. Cancellation or Change of this Project
10.1. The Company may discontinue or suspend this Project without prior notice to the Applicants if it determines that such action is necessary due to system maintenance, communication line or means, computer failures, etc.
10.2. The Company may revise, add, or change the contents and conditions of this Project without prior notice.

11. Termination of Applications for this Project
The Company may terminate the reception of this Project without prior notification to the Applicants.

12. Prohibited Actions
The Company prohibits the following actions by customers regarding this Service.
12.1. Actions that violate laws, court judgments, decisions, orders, or legally binding administrative measures
12.2. Actions that may violate public order or morals
12.3. Actions that infringe on the intellectual property rights of the Company or third parties, such as copyright, trademark rights, patent rights, honor rights, privacy rights, etc., or any other legal or contractual rights
12.4. Posting or sending expressions that are excessively violent, sexually explicit, constitute child pornography or child abuse, expressions leading to discrimination based on race, nationality, belief, gender, social status, or lineage, expressions that induce or encourage suicide, self-harm, drug abuse, and other socially unacceptable content causing discomfort to others
12.5. Impersonating a third party or intentionally disseminating false information
12.6. Posting the same or similar comments in multiple comment sections (except for those approved by the Company), or other acts deemed as spam by the Company
12.7. Exchanging the right to use submission works for cash, goods, or any other economic benefit in a manner other than that prescribed by the Company
12.8. Actions for business, advertisement, solicitation, or other profit-making purposes (except those approved by the Company); actions aimed at sexual conduct or obscene acts; actions aimed at meetings or relationships with unknown individuals of the opposite sex; actions intended to harass or slander other customers; and any other actions that utilize this Service for purposes different from the intended usage
12.9. Providing benefits or cooperation to antisocial forces
12.10. Activities soliciting for religious organizations or religious activities
12.11. Illegally collecting, disclosing, or providing others’ personal information, registration information, or usage history information
12.12. Acts that interfere with the servers or network systems of this Service; using technical means such as BOTs, cheat tools, or other methods to improperly manipulate services including this Service; intentionally exploiting bugs in this Service; accessing this Service from modified communication devices such as those with routing or jailbreaking performed; repeating the same questions excessively, making excessive inquiries or demands to the Company, and other acts that disrupt the operation of this Service by the Company or use by other customers
12.13. Conducting reverse engineering for improper purposes or in an inappropriate manner, disassembling, or deciphering the source code by any other means
12.14. Assisting or promoting any of the actions listed in 12.1 through 12.13
12.15. Other actions deemed inappropriate by the Company in a reasonable manner.

13. Responsibilities of Applicants
13.1. Applicants apply for this Project at their own responsibility and bear all responsibility for all actions taken by them in connection with the application for this Project and the results thereof.
13.2. If the Company recognizes that an Applicant has violated the application conditions specified in “4. Application Conditions”, this Agreement, or the Terms of Use for this Service, if there are any false, illegal, or incomplete information regarding the Applicant, if the Company cannot contact the Applicant for a certain period, or if the Company reasonably judges the Applicant to be unsuitable, the Company may invalidate that Applicant’s application and take appropriate action, such as canceling the grant of rewards, without prior notice to the Applicant.
13.3. Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the Company has no obligation to prevent or correct the violations of Applicants to any other customers or any third parties.
13.4. If the Company suffers direct or indirect damages (including attorney’s fees) as a result of the Applicant utilizing this Service to apply for this Project (including cases when the Company receives claims from a third party related to such usage), the Applicant shall promptly compensate the Company as per its claim.

14. Disclaimers by the Company
14.1. The Company shall not be liable for any damages incurred by the Applicant as a result of applying for this Project or being unable to apply for this Project, unless such damage arises from the willful misconduct or gross negligence of the Company. However, if the agreement between the Company and the customer regarding the application for this Project is deemed a consumer contract as defined in the Consumer Contract Act (hereinafter referred to as “Consumer Contract”), the Company shall be liable only to the extent of normal damages based on negligence (excluding gross negligence) and not for loss of profits or other special damages arising from non-performance of duties.
14.2. If damages arise to the customer due to the Company’s gross negligence, the Company shall not be liable for damages arising from lost profits or special circumstances but shall be liable to the extent of normal damages. However, if the agreement regarding the application for this Project qualifies as a consumer contract, the above does not apply.

15. Relationship between this Agreement and Laws
If any provisions of this Agreement are found to violate the Consumer Contract Act or other laws applicable to the contract between the customer and the Company pertaining to applications for this Project, then such provisions shall not apply to the contract with the customer to that extent. However, even in this case, the effectiveness of other provisions of this Agreement shall not be affected.

16. Communication with Applicants
Communications to Applicants regarding applications for this Project shall be made by email, display on the screen of the services provided by the Company, or in any other method deemed appropriate by the Company. Applicants must verify whether they have received communications from the Company on an ongoing basis.

17. Governing Law and Jurisdiction
This Agreement is composed in Japanese and governed by Japanese law. Any disputes arising between Applicants and the Company related to applications for this Project and this Service shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Tokyo District Court as the court of first instance.

Established on November 1, 2022



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