EPO, anabolic steroids, doping: why are these doping substances banned in sport?

2024-08-01 10:30:00

In 2023, the French Anti-Doping Agency achieved nearly 12,000 samples. If the most controlled sports are rugby (15 and 7 system), cycling and athletics then it is MMA, a three-dimensional combat sport that combines different techniques from martial arts, is currently the most aggressive test…

Definition: What is doping? What are we talking about?

Doping is nothing new. Greek athletes were already taking bull testicles to improve their performance at the first Olympic Games! ” There is no strict definition of doping in the terms of the World Anti-Doping Code.Professor Olivier Rabin, WADA’s scientific and medical director, immediately confided. On the other hand, a certain number of behaviors or actions may be sanctioned: for example, acquiring or possessing prohibited substances. If you are an athlete and a growth hormone syringe is found in your bag, it is an anti-doping violation. Interfering with the integrity of a urine sample by adding water or soap is also considered a violation of the anti-doping rules. »

Testosterone, growth hormone, stimulants: What effects do stimulants have on an athlete’s body?

Different doping substances will be used Develop muscle mass, increase red blood cell count, reduce fatigue, and even improve recovery.

“For example, anabolic steroids not only affect muscle mass and strength, but also recovery capabilities,” the expert explains.

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“Erythropoietin – better known as EPO – is a hormone that stimulates the production of red blood cells, increasing the number of red blood cells, thereby increasing the delivery of oxygen to muscles and improving performance », explains Professor Olivier Rabin. It’s no coincidence that EPO is primarily used for doping purposes in endurance sports, especially cycling, running and even cross-country skiing…

The use and selection of substances will of course depend on the desired effect and movement. For example, the use of anabolic drugs is particularly interesting in sports where strength, power velocity or muscle mass play a decisive role in competitions such as shot put, weightlifting, etc. popular in sports. “As for stimulants, such as amphetamines or cocaine used in the famous ‘Belgian pot’, they increase the response level in certain areas of the brain and suppress the feeling of fatigue.Professor Rabin added. Finally, growth hormone is sometimes combined with anabolic steroids: their combined use can enhance the effects of the steroid, or even reduce the dose and maintain its effects. »

Why does France ban doping in sport?

Doping is prohibited by the World Anti-Doping Agency because it artificially enhances athletes’ performance and damages the image of sports and the health of athletes. ” The fight against doping is the collective aspiration of international sports bodies and public authoritiesProfessor Rabin said. To us, this is cheating. The use of prohibited substances or methods to enhance performance is unacceptable and detrimental to the interests of the sport. On the other hand, the fight against doping helps protect the health of athletes. We’ve seen the toll that state doping in East Germany took on athletes forced to take Turinabol (an anabolic steroid) in the 1970s and 1980s – cancer, depression, suicide, etc. »

Why is doping dangerous?

Increased risk of cancer, cardiovascular problems, endocrine disorders: doping substances can have serious effects on the health of athletes and can even lead to death.
« When you overdose on anabolic steroids, it can lead to heart enlargement, which can lead to heart failure. », confirms Professor Olivier Rabin. In addition to these well-documented side effects, anabolic steroids can cause endocrine disruption, the severity of which depends on the dose taken: male impotence, changes in libido, infertility, and breast development (gynaecomastia); in women, male Symptoms include changes in facial hair, hoarse voice, clitoromegaly, breast atrophy, and male baldness. ” Systemic doping practices in the former East Germany showed that athletes who took steroids long-term developed more cancers, suffered from severe mood disorders, and had suicidal thoughts and may even act on them. In some cases, female athletes even change their gender due to continued use of male hormones. » Proof of this: Andreas Krieger (born Heidi Kreuger) with the emergence of male secondary sexual characteristics (associated with taking anabolic steroids without his knowledge) He won the European shot put championship in 1986 with a throwing distance of 21.10 meters, and underwent gender reassignment surgery in 1997.

Taking erythropoietin, which has been implicated in the deaths of several athletes, especially cyclists, is also harmful to health. ” EPO has the opposite effect: the more it is taken, the more the hematocrit increases, and the stronger the performance, the more the blood viscosity increases, with a significant risk of cardiac arrhythmia or even cardiac arrest. », experts reveal. and concluded: ” Finally, many stimulants, such as amphetamines, cause coronary arteries to constrict, which is particularly dangerous for athletes during exercise. »

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