Tamás Lánczi spoke to 444 and Telex about the dangerous activities of left-wing media

Tamás Lánczi, the president of the Office for the Protection of Sovereignty, drew attention to the fact that it is not the media that pose a threat to Hungarian sovereignty, but the activities of such as the 444th.

The staff of 444 “ran into” Tamás Lánczi in Tusványos, where they asked him, for example, why the office does not launch an investigation into the fact that Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó received a medal for Friendship from Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov before the outbreak of the war. According to the portal’s reporter, it would be the task of the Sovereignty Protection Office to investigate whether all of this violates Hungary’s sovereignty, the Mandarin.

“What should I look into this? This is a fact, there is nothing to investigate” – was the reply of the President of the Office for the Protection of Sovereignty, and then Lánczi added,

in his opinion, what 444 and many left-wing media outlets do is much more worrying, that is, they distort the news, build false narratives, and thereby indirectly serve the war.

The president of the office was also found by Telex, in response to the reporter’s questions, Lánczi explained,

based on their report, it can be said that the portal represents foreign interests, one of the reasons for this, for example, is that the operation of Telex is partly financed by foreign funds.

As we reported earlier, the Office for the Protection of Sovereignty discovered a new form of illicit foreign financing in its analysis published the other day. Taking advantage of 21st-century technologies and the shortcomings of regulations, with the help of fundraising sites and modern payment services, some actors of the domestic left, civil organizations and parties engaged in political activities can get money in an opaque way, that is, by hiding the identity of the donor, they write.

Fundraising websites as means of foreign influence and campaign financing in Hungarian public life

In recent decades, a public gray zone has emerged in Hungary, where actors financed and controlled from abroad carry out their activities in a way that violates the sovereignty of our country and in accordance with the interests of their hidden principals.

The office mainly investigated the intricate relationships between database construction, fundraising and payment services, and came to the conclusion that transparency and transparency were practically impossible in the case of new financing methods supported by information technology. The analysis also states that the Office for the Protection of Sovereignty will launch an investigation against the parties, civil organizations and companies concerned based on the information revealed so far.

Featured image: 48 minutes broadcast on M1 and hirado.hu – host: Tamás Lánczi on November 2, 2023 (Photo: Gyula Péter Horváth/hirado.hu)



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