Aalborg club hit by shitstorm: Here is the club’s response to disgruntled fans

The DM bronze winner has indeed made a change for the club’s approximately 1,800 season ticket holders.

In short, Aalborg Pirates has introduced a new system for season ticket holders, where you as a season ticket holder have to go in and confirm that you want to use your seat for a given match. The reservation must be made no later than 24 hours before the match, otherwise Aalborg Pirates can put the given place up for sale.

The new system, which is also inspired by Aalborg Handball’s very similar model, has disappointed many season ticket holders. So much so, in fact, that it is a regular shitstorm that the ice hockey club has ended up in on social media, where many let it be understood that they are not satisfied with the new system.

At Aalborg Pirates, they are trying to explain themselves, and Thomas Simonsen, who is ticket and marketing manager at the club, hopes that people will eventually see the scam in the new system.

– Our idea behind this arrangement is that we would like to optimize the opportunity to get as many people in the hall as possible. We experienced somewhere between 30-40 percent of the games last season that we had many empty seats among the season ticket holders. It would have been good for us in 30-40 percent of the matches if we could have sold the empty seats to the other side, so for us this is a tool to avoid unnecessary empty seats, explains Thomas Simonsen to Nordjyske.

– It is also important to emphasize that as a season ticket holder you will be reminded to make a decision about your ticket, so that you should not be able to forget it. We don’t think it’s a big change, because it’s about three clicks in our app, and you have the option to click yes to use your ticket for a long time into the future, explains Thomas Simonsen, who hopes that over time will make sense to the many disgruntled fans.

– We have seen that it works well in other clubs, so it is our hope that our fans will also accept this initiative. In the end, it is something we do to create greater flexibility, says Thomas Simonsen.

2024-08-01 14:30:41
#Aalborg #club #hit #shitstorm #clubs #response #disgruntled #fans



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