Even the moon can rust, a surprising revelation has come out

Even the moon can rust, a surprising revelation has come out

Scientists believe that the moon has zinc because neither of the two main elements that make rust, water and oxygen, exist on the moon, yet rust has been discovered there.

The research, led by NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, was jointly conducted by experts from five American research institutes and published online yesterday in the journal Science Advances.

Spectral analyzes carried out by these instruments revealed the presence of a special type of iron oxide called “hematite” at the lunar poles, which can simply be called the “twin brother of rust” because of its basic chemical formula. The same is true of rust. Keep in mind that this rust on the moon is actually in the form of a mineral called hematite, which is abundant in natural iron ore on Earth.

Why is there rust on the moon even though there is no oxygen or water? One possible reason for this, experts say, is that the hydrogen (which is also a major component of water) that reached the moon probably got there with the “solar wind” from the sun; While the oxygen on the moon is thought to have been present in the upper air of the earth, which was pushed to the moon by the earth’s magnetic field.

This idea also seems to be very reasonable because the part of the moon which always faces the opposite direction from the earth, does not have rust on it, while rust has been found only on the part which faces the earth.

Although plausible, these are still hypotheses that require further research to be confirmed or disproved.

Keep in mind that this rust on the moon is actually in the form of a mineral called “hematite”, which is abundant in natural iron ore on Earth.

Why is there rust on the moon even though there is no oxygen or water? One possible reason for this, experts say, is that the hydrogen (which is also a major component of water) that reached the moon probably got there with the “solar wind” from the sun; While the oxygen on the moon is thought to have been present in the upper air of the earth, which was pushed to the moon by the earth’s magnetic field.

This idea also seems very reasonable because the part of the moon that is always facing the opposite direction from the Earth does not have rust on it, while rust has been found only on the part that faces the Earth.

Although plausible, these are still hypotheses that require further research to be confirmed or disproved.

#moon #rust #surprising #revelation
2024-08-01 14:26:00



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