“Scorpius”, the biggest smuggler of immigrants, was arrested, what “betrayed” him – 2024-08-01 12:48:58

One of the biggest smugglers of migrants in Europe, the notorious “Scorpio”, was arrested in Iraq, as reported by the BBC, today Monday (13.5.24).

Barzan Majeed, known as “Scorpion”, was arrested in Iraqi Kurdistan on Sunday morning, according to local authorities.

For many years, Bajid and his gang were involved in smuggling migrants by boat and truck to Great Britain.

Majid’s network had brought thousands of people to Europe, in miserable conditions and after extorting huge sums of money from them.

Many hundreds of people had crossed the English Channel in boats or hidden in trucks. On other occasions, he had driven them from Turkey to Greece.

Last week two BBC journalists tracked him down in Sulaymaniyah in Iraq and interviewed him.

As he said, he had transported thousands of migrants across the Channel. “Maybe 1,000, maybe 10,000. I don’t know, I didn’t count,” he said.

He even seemed indifferent to the victims: “It is written by God when you will die, but God does not tell you to ‘get into the boat’,” he claimed.

He admitted that between 2016 and 2019 he was one of two people who ran a gang that trafficked migrants in Belgium and France.

However, he denied being the boss of the operation, claiming other gang members tried to implicate him to get their sentences reduced.

A member of the Kurdistan Regional Government said officials were able to use the BBC’s findings to locate Majid. In fact, it is considered very possible that officials from European countries will also interrogate him.

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#Scorpius #biggest #smuggler #immigrants #arrested #betrayed



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