Illegal Speed ​​Cameras, the Case Ends Up at the Court of Auditors. “Flurry of Appeals and Refunds” –

Illegal Speed ​​Cameras, the Case Ends Up at the Court of Auditors. “Flurry of Appeals and Refunds” –

The story of the speed cameras seized by the Cosenza Prosecutor’s Office ends up under the attention of the accounting magistrates. Codacons has in fact decided to file a complaint with the Courts of Auditors of 10 Italian regions (Liguria, Lombardy, Emilia Romagna, Veneto, Piedmont, Basilicata, Molise, Puglia, Calabria and Sicily) where the devices at the center of the investigation were installed, a complaint aimed at verifying possible financial damages for the public coffers.

Illegal Speed ​​Cameras, the Case Ends Up at the Court of Auditors. “Flurry of Appeals and Refunds” –

“The seizure of speed cameras throughout Italy ordered by the Calabrian judiciary and the illegalities that have emerged in the use of the ‘T-Exspeed V 2.0′ speed detection devices will inevitably lead to a flurry of appeals by those who have received fines and are still within the time limit to challenge the fines, with the risk of the municipalities being ordered to reimburse legal costs – explains the president of the consumers’ association Carlo Rienzi -. But even those who have already paid the fines issued using these devices, although they cannot challenge the fines, can take action to protect their rights and, once the investigations are concluded, take action to obtain compensation for the damages suffered. The costs for the coffers of local authorities, between reimbursements to motorists and missed fines related to turning off speed cameras, could therefore be significant, and would fall on the community. In any case, we must remember that excessive speed is one of the main causes of death on Italian roads, and it is important to punish offenders with the utmost severity, while respecting the law and using approved and compliant tools”. For these reasons, Codacons is preparing a complaint to the regional offices of the Court of Auditors so that an accounting investigation can be opened into the case of the speed cameras aimed at ascertaining any damage to the public purse and the related responsibilities.

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#Illegal #Speed #Cameras #Case #Ends #Court #Auditors #Flurry #Appeals #Refunds #Tempo
2024-08-01 10:29:43

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