Legal dispute over mobile service fee not yet over

Last May, six customers won their dispute over the flat rate, and A1 and Magenta had to refund them. However, the mobile phone companies do not see the rulings as groundbreaking. Both companies see these as “individual proceedings” that have no impact on other customers, the “Kurier” reported on Monday. Both Magenta and A1 want to wait for the outcome of class action lawsuits filed by the Chamber of Labor (AK) at the beginning of the year, the report continues.

Several months until a final judgment

However, it could take several months before a legally binding judgment is reached, as the dispute will probably go through all instances.

Until then, many existing customers with older tariffs will have to continue to pay the service fee. However, all three major providers (Magenta, Drei, A1) now also offer tariffs without the service fee, writes the “Kurier”.



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